What’s the hard way you learned not to trust people with your secrets, why?

  1. We were having a laugh in a group and then randomly my best friend started joking and revealing every single secret I ever told him. I was so shocked by it all that I couldn’t even say anything. Never spoke to him again after that. And learned to never tell anyone a secret.

  2. Oh boy, so when I was in 7th grade I had this girl who would send me bikini pictures via text (pretty big deal when you’re 13) and one day I showed a guy on the bus one of the pictures and he immediately went to her and said “_____ showed me your pictures you should send them to me too” I felt horrible, to this day I don’t tell anyone my secrets and if I’m told a secret ill never tell anyone. I am a steel trap since that day. Batman couldn’t beat information out of me. I still remember that kids name. F*** you Tristan lol

  3. When I wrote an angry letter to my dad at 18 and threw it away after a few weeks.. my mom went through the trash and found it, scanned it to her work email and emailed my dad the letter a few years ago.

  4. When she turned on me after the break up and sicked the flying monkeys on me and friends I had since diaper turned on me for cash and a oath. And I ended up losing part of my vision from laced food and drink. Haven’t trusted people to well since.

  5. When I was a kid whenever I told my mom or my dad anything they would spread it out among uncles, aunts and the like. My dad more than my mom. I still remember one: I was in preschool and I told my them that I thought certain little girl from my class was cute, all in a very childlike manner (I was 4 or 5 at most). Next thing I know in a family barbecue my extended family asking me about my little girlfriend ¬¬

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