I’m from Ohio, and it’s near unanimously agreed upon that Michigan is the worst. So how about you guys? Who do you consider to be your state’s archenemy? And as a follow up, what state do you consider to be your best friend if there is one?

Edit: for best friend I would say Pennsylvania but that’s probably just for NE Ohio

  1. Rival is Ohio, of course.

    Best friend is probably Ontario although if I had to pick a state I would go with Wisconsin.

  2. im from california. i don’t think we have serious rivals really. maybe new york, but i think we’re more of a rival to them than they are to us. we don’t really think of new york that much. oregon is maybe another possibility, but they have more of a rivalry with idaho and washington, they’re mostly just annoyed by us. texas and florida seem like bizarro-versions of california in some ways. but overall we’re more consumed by the northern-southern rivalry within the state.

  3. From FL and I feel like Cali is our rival. Both full of beaches and crazy people, I guess it’s only natural.

  4. Illinois keeps trying to take our title to the fifth most populated state. We won’t allow it.

  5. As a New Englander, I find that Mass antagonizes New York and at least northern New England antagonizes Mass. So generally it’s the state near you that is bigger. Meanwhile most bay staters view the smaller states around them in a generally positive light and beneath the ability to be considered rivals. As I assume New York does with Mass.

  6. I’m from the Indiana side of Michiana, so I’m obligated to say Michigan. 🤷‍♂️

  7. Washington. Almost every sports rivalry is between Oregon and Washington, and that would extend into the NBA but thr Sonics got moved, so we have to rely on hating the Lakers.

  8. Washington. Our arch enemy is Idaho. Our BFF is Oregon.

    Washington is also full of itself, I mean whoops *cough* “confident” and would never believe any state is capable of being its rival.

  9. Wisconsin but it’s a friendly rivalry. We’re one people separated by blood-alcohol level

  10. People from Wyoming have a deeply contentious rivalry with Colorado. Most Coloradans are very unaware of this rivalry and almost never think about Wyoming anyways.

  11. I can’t really think of one from California. All of our neighbors are weird as hell, but that’s normal here. I wouldn’t call the zonies rivals, just a nuisance. And Oregon is like duck dynasty meets LOTR. It’s kind of cool if you’re into it. Vegas. Tijuana. For all their faults, I still like our neighbors.

    A lot of people don’t like us though. I don’t know why. Someone in all of your families has moved here. You’re literally all here. Everyone here is from somewhere else. It’s hard to find a local anymore, we all moved away. Rent is obscene.

  12. Seeing as how Massachusetts is one of only 9 states to pay more to the federal government than it gets back, 41 of you can suck it.

  13. Welcome to Kansas, where for history class in 4th grade, 7th grade, and in US History in High School, you’ll learn about our hatred over Missouri.

    You’ll learn about pillaged, guerrilla warfare, and massacres that took place in both Kansas and Missouri. You’ll see plaques across the eastern side of the state about such events, most prominently being the burning of Lawrence, which is now a large college town.

    Our capitol building has a massive mural of John Brown, a literal terrorist who helped us fight Missouri.

    THEN the civil war took place, which pitted Kansas vs Missouri again.

    The rivalry continues to this day, with Missouri claiming Kansas City, Kansas claiming the Missouri Chiefs, and people trying to leave “misery” for Kansas.

    All in all. We hate Missouri.

  14. indiana doesn’t seem to have a rival (that we’re collectively aware of) so much as the homicide.
    We kinda just eat popcorn and watch you fight with Michigan.

  15. Buddy, Michigan does more than despise Ohio. The only reason why you guys got Toledo is because we got sick of dealing with Ohio’s shit.

  16. Probably Texas. Best friend either Arizona or Colorado but there’s also rivalries with both of them

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