Hi, so I gave a bj to a guy two days ago,he did not cum in my mouth, but there was pre-cum, and in less than 24 hours (almost 24 hrs), I started struggling with sore throat and then I woke up the next day feeling very sick.. gotta note that 1) some of my households did have flu in the past few days but non of them had sore throat, and 2) the weather was kinda cold when me and him went on a date and I wasn’t wearing a warm jacket.. but I’m still scared it might be an std especially HIV! or HPV..I literally can’t sleep at night thinking about it and it’s too early to get tested and get accurate results before at least 3 weeks of exposure. Can someone please tell me what to do and whether I’m exaggerating or not! are there any stds that can show symptoms this fast? it’s not just sore throat my body aches and I don’t feel like leaving the bed 🙁

  1. Go to the doctor and get checked out. Odds are it’s just a cold or flu. However from google…

    Which std causes a sore throat?
    Most sore throats are caused by a common cold or the flu. But you can also get one from a sexually transmitted disease (STD) such as gonorrhea, chlamydia, or syphilis. In some cases, your sore throat may be due to an infection in your throat.

  2. Doubt it is an STD. Would not show symptoms in 24 hours. Most likely irritated from precum, the action of giving a bj, or a cold. Give it a few days and see if it gets better. I would not lose sleep over it.

  3. Im so sorry to hear that you are unwell..but I hope I got some good news for you.

    The risk of getting HIV through oral sex is very very low and also if the virus has entered your bloodstream ..it usually takes 2-4 weeks for the first symptoms to show up and in some cases upto years for any symptoms to show so its most probably not HIV right now as its only been 2 days in your case.

    Lastly , please do visit a doc asap and get the necessary tests done to rule out any nasty surprises in the future.

    All the best.Take lots of rest and get well soon 🙌

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