Let me start with that I have not brough this up with her as I assume its normal on vacation to not text. But my heart still hurts non the less 🙁

We have been dating for close to 4 years and we currently live together. She has gone away for a week with her family to mexico for a getaway and I only hear from here for 10 min a day if that (I am at home taking care of there dogs for them). Writing this out I know it seems dumb but Im so used to her around and I miss her, feels as she doesnt feel the same 🙁 But why would she on a family fun vacation 🙂

Am I overthinking all this and need to chill out? I recently have put on quite a few pounds which I am working on but im sure that has really affected my self esteem which might play a big factor in this.

Any input would mean the world to me 🙂 Im hurting over here.


\*\*TL;DR;\*\* : GF has gone away for a week with her family to mexico for a getaway and I only hear from her a few min a day. Feel insecure about it 🙁

  1. In all likelihood, you are overthinking this. She’s busy, she’s with family, it’s easy to lose track of time.

    I love my husband more than anything on this earth, but when I’m with my mom it’s just a different time zone 😂. This doesn’t mean I don’t miss him, but I’m not focused on how much I miss him

  2. You’re definitely overthinking. She’s on vacation. No one wants to be glued to their phone when they’re on a vacation. They want to enjoy their time and make the most out of it.

    Let her have fun. Tell her that you miss her, but definitely don’t make her feel bad for being busy.

  3. Yeah, this sounds normal. She’s busy with her family on vacation, and she’s still making time to check in with you every day.

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