EDIT – He’s not comin back. No return to sender. Honestly give him a while guys you’ll love him….maybe. Also NO RETURNS. That’s non negotiable. We er, have to many talk show hosts an not enough populous so remember. We’re not taking him back. Understood. He’s your prob..er blessing now.

  1. I don’t know anyone who watches his show or likes him, but he must have watchers being a top late night host. He was cool in that one Doctor Who episode but I don’t care about him otherwise. Doesn’t help that he is much more annoying now that he has his own show.

  2. I don’t find him funny nor does anyone I’ve ever heard bring him up. He must have some fans though as he keeps chugging along.

  3. He’s an annoying, entitled prick who needs to return to the UK yesterday – like Piers Morgan (at least self-aware that he’s not exactly funny) did after years on CNN.

    Lord knows we already have enough of our homegrown, annoying, entitled pricks in entertainment (and business, politics, etc.) as it is.

  4. This is asked consistently and the answer is the same. Send his unfunny, fat ass back across the pond.

  5. Y’all can have that moron back immediately. Didn’t ask for him, don’t want him. We have enough DBs of our own, we don’t need to import yours.

  6. I don’t like him, but I don’t get the intense hate people have for him. Just….turn the channel?

  7. He does the carpool karaoke, right? Those are really funny. I’m not sure about all his other stuff, but those segments are great.

  8. No clue or care who he was before he got in the news for something I’ve already deprioitized.

  9. He had some sort of karaoke car thing years ago (might be still around?). Other than that I don’t know anything about him other than Brits seem annoyed by him and his attempt at transatlantic carpetbagging.

  10. The great Bill Burr once said “he looks like he’s ready for a slumber party at any time” and I think that kind of sums it up

  11. I have never watched his show. I have seen a few clips of the karaoke bit that they do in the car, some of them were cute. For some reason he is absolutely reviled by users on this website, he is sometimes the top comment when “most hated celebrities” topics come up. I don’t get it.

  12. There’s a reason why we made a bet with the English that the loser at the World Cup has to take him.

  13. People are so mean about him, I think he’s fine. I don’t watch his whole show but I like his karaokes w/ singers and his broadway gags. No one else is doing broadway in late-nite tv and he’s putting broadway into the livingroom. Supporting the arts is important!

    Cats wasn’t that bad after they fixed the CGI and re-released it. The buttholes are gone now.

  14. I personally don’t like him, never did, never thought he was funny and actually thought he was annoying, turns out he is a massive asshole like most celebrities tend to be. Heard he’s going back to England or something so there’s that. He can go be annoying and unfunny back at his place of Jolly Ole England and there will be one less dickhead over here thank God. Now all we need is Piers Morgan to pack it up and get the steppin.

    P.S. Why do we get so many UK TV personalities over here anyways? 😂

  15. I think that it is rather selfish that have deprived England of him for such a long time. We should return him, and toss in Meghan Markle as an offering to make up for your obvious suffering.

  16. Okay but someone literally asks this like every other week in this sub. Noone fucking likes him in any country. Hes an dick and has no talent. Send him back to the UK but even they dont want him

  17. Clear violation of the 1814 Treaty of Ghent when Britain agreed to stop all hostilities against the United States

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