My best friend was with this guy for 6 months, they met on a dating app and she made it clear that she was NOT looking for a hookup- so they end up dating, SHE complained about him 24/7 saying she was miserable with him and that he wasn’t right for her.

SHE begins talking to another dude while they’re still dating and she turns around to her boyfriend and says she’s not looking for a relationship and dumps him.
She sleeps with the other guy the night after and continues to talk to the other guy-

Her now ex BLOCKS her on everything- she goes absolutely hysterical as if she wasn’t expecting that? Now my issue is I have been supportive for her even though her morals are quite cracked, she’s my bff and I’ve let her lean on my shoulder. HOWEVER it’s been over a month now where she is constantly being hysterical! Anytime we hang out or talk she’s talking about him and literally will start crying anywhere- she cried because they use to walk together in the same spot, because he gave good hugs, literally any dumb reason and she can’t wrap her head around why he has blocked her and never wants to talk to her again. And this is while she is still CURRENTLY talking to another guy!!! And yet I have still supported her through everything but now it’s like, she will ring me crying EVERYDAY !!!!! I feel awful but am I going insane for thinking- wtf are you crying for when YOU dumped him!?!?!

If you really liked him why did you DUMP HIM!?!? Why were you talking to other boys!?! You were the one who said you wanted a relationship and then turned around and said no I don’t want one anymore!?! How do I handle this when it’s starting to piss me off when it’s all she’s whinging about 24/7 and crying everyday when she is the one who made the decision!?! Why can’t she wrap her head around that her ex has blocked her!?! Wtf do I do

  1. I just feel drained, exhausted and fucking pissed off, I understand breakups are hard but she is clearly in the wrong talking to another dude while they were together so I’m just not grasping the fact that she’s acting so insane that her ex doesn’t want to contact or know her anymore!?!? Why is this my burden to carry!?!

  2. She seems like an immature person, and to be frank, I understand that you’re trying to be a good friend, but who we choose to surround ourselves with directly affects us as well.

    It seems like this friendship puts you under a lot of unnecessary stress, so I suggest putting a boundary that you don’t want to hear her relentless drama about her relationships. Or you can just drop her as a friend completely.

    She’s a pity party, and doesn’t hold her self accountable for her own actions and feelings. If you care about her, I suggest you have a good deep conversation with her and tell her that she needs to change and grow from these unhealthy patterns.

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