So I am not sure what to do about my mattress, I keep forgetting until I change the sheets that there are a few spot (rather large) of period blood from well the last 2 women I dated (several months back) and I’m feeling a bit worried if my future partner will be put off by that?

I can buy a new mattress, but this one is only 2 years old, granted its off amazon…but really not bad. I just forgot to buy a mattress liner/cover….

  1. Get pet urine cleaner, spray on a generous amount. Let it sit. Then use a steamer to get the stain removed.

  2. Peroxide and blot, lightly rubbing at it if you need to. Scrubbing generally makes stains worse.

  3. Also try salt, damped down and then scrub it although probably works better on fresh than dried blood

  4. Honestly I don’t see the point. I only use black sheets anyways so it doesn’t stain, and the mattress is always hidden by sheets so why clean the stain?

  5. As others have said: try cleaning the stain out, first and foremost.

    That failing, flip the mattress.

    That failing…well…some women may not care. Others might. While I don’t think period blood is something people need to be skeeved out by, I still wouldn’t feel awesome sleeping on someone’s blood-stained mattress.

  6. I used to sell mattresses for a living


    as a matter of fact. Everyone reading this. Every one of you. If you don’t have one


    Let me explain it like this- would you put on clothes, wear them for 8 hours a day, every single day, for several years and never wash them?


    You wash your pajamas, your blankets, your sheets. But every day your sweat, body oil, hair, skin cells etc permeate through your clothing/bedding into your mattress and you cannot wash a mattress.

    So you’re laying on years of accumulated body ick.

    Get a high quality mattress protector (don’t cheap out with a hot loud plasticy nightmare) but a nice, fabric one. Probably $40-60. Put it on your mattress and then put your bedding on. Wash it once every few months.


    Also- if you put one on now it should hide the existing stains.

  7. Next time you get bloody sheets get rid of the stain right away. If you let it sit it will be impossible to remove. Girls get blood on their sheets all the fuckin time but you would never be able to tell because we have ways of getting it out right away.

  8. It’s a wrap for the mattress, but do yourself a favor and take Desperate’s advice- buy a mattress protector. Aside from blood, you’ve also got sweat, dirt, skin cells, bodily fluids, etc going through the sheets onto that bad boy. It’s really the only way to maintain a hygienic sleeping situation.

  9. So we got a bad stain on our lovely light gray couch. I used Hoover Max Strength Deep Stain Remover (got it on Amazon). Followed the instructions exactly and it worked like a charm. Tried it on a few other stains on fabrics that had them for a longer amount of time and it worked on those too, just took a few tries.

  10. Can you get vanish where you are? They have some for white wash. I put some directly into a bowl with a little water (so it’s very concentrated) and spent some time directly blotting onto the mattress. I’m sure other like minded products would work the same. Now those patches are whiter than the rest of the mattress (lol) but there’s no blood stain.

  11. Get the area wet. Then, use bleach.

    If it doesn’t come out doing this…. you sure it’s not dye? Because I’ve never failed to remove blood from anything.. with bleach.

  12. I personally wouldn’t care, it happens. also why would she be seeing under your sheets anyway, its unlikely they’ll notice.

  13. Future females 100% will be put off by that. I know from experience.

    Was with my ex-wife for 10 years or so, she left stains, I didn’t think anything of it. After divorce, I found a new lady, she noticed within the first week of staying at my place, got weird about it. Felt weird sleeping in the same bed as my ex-wife, where she knew we had sex, extra..

    Ended up buying a new bed.

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