Women of Reddit, has a man/ friend used the “I had a sex dream about us” line to come onto you? How did you respond ?

  1. 99.9% Of the time male friends will eventually try hooking up with me, and they normally start with “I had a sex dream about you” Or just flat out “Want a dick pic?”

    Pisses me off.

  2. No, that never happened to me.

    I have quite a few male friends, and none of them ever crossed the line of friendship.

  3. Death stare. He could feel the hostility radiating from me across the small cafe table. I said through my teeth, “You invited me here for this shit!” As a lot of dudes pathetically do, he tried the “I was just messing with you” bullshit. I asked why he thought that crap would work, and left his dumb ass sitting there.

    He knew I considered friends akin to siblings, so I was incensed. I bumped me some TLC, “What About Your Friends” on the stroll home to defuse me, because I was too close to calling and cussing him out.

  4. Only my best friend, not in attempt to come on to me but because it was more funny than sexy.

    If someone tried to use that line as a serious come on I would ignore it.

  5. Not a dream but many iterations of that. It always ended with me cutting them off so if youre considering confessing that, dont.

  6. No one has, but if they would, it would make me VERY uncomfortable.

    If you’re interested, just say it, dude. I’d rather that than have them try to do it in sneaky ways. We always pick up on the real intention behind it.

  7. To to come onto me, but my best friend told me about a sex dream he had about me before but more in the ew gross kinda way.

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