I (f/23) and the guy (m/25) I’ve been seeing for the last two months have ended things.

I recently started dating a boy about two months ago now. We had a great first date where we found that we had loads in common and at the end he even said he liked me! After this date we saw each other once a week for the past month. However towards the end he started to get distant he was always really busy (new to the city and recently started a grad job), taking a couple days to reply or leaving me on read. Then two weeks go by and we organise another date. The day of the date comes and he cancels because he wasn’t feeling up to it and apologises so I reply asking if he wanted to do another day and he ignores this. Later that evening I text him saying I need to date someone who has more time for me and he replies agreeing but saying that he liked me and enjoyed the time we spent together but he was too busy at the moment to give me the time I needed.

We haven’t spoken since but I’ve cried for the last two days about it. I am gutted. He’s the only boy I’ve ever really liked and l knew he like me for more than just sex (which I’ve had a lot in the past)
I don’t know how to move forward because now I regret sending the text ending it because I’m scared I won’t find anyone I like as much as him. Should I text him again and say I still want to see him even occasionally? I’d even settle for fwb at this point.

  1. It’s all in your first line. ” I recently started dating a boy”. I think you would do better dating men.

  2. You’re evidently not mature enough for such relationships. Dudes focused on his job and you knew this from the beginning. Not sure what job he’s just started but new City/Grad Job, it’s safe to say he’s putting in easily over 80hrs/week.

    FWB is just going back to your past life, he will still put work first so why put yourself through that?

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