In dating apps, what’s the acceptable timeframe between the first chat and first meet up in person?

  1. I only keep a dating profile up for a few weeks at a time, so that’s how much time the other person has to agree to a date. The date itself can be set weeks into the future if necessary, although I prefer to meet up in a few days.

  2. I don’t know about “acceptable,” but from what I recall, if you don’t meet up within 2 weeks, you’re probably never going to meet up and probably never going to have sex or end up going anywhere with dating if you do meet.

  3. At max 1 week. Almost Everyone I met from a dating app was the same day with a few being the same week because they were busy but we made plans that day.

  4. I’ve met people within like an hour or two and not regretted it.

    No more than a week, though. They always flake if you make them wait too long, even if you make plans.

  5. What’s the point in using the app if you never meet up?

    A couple messages to chat then start planning to meet. **Meeting IRL is the whole fucking point of using the app.**

  6. If it’s just a hook up, hours.

    If it’s really for dating, it should be about a few days to a week.

  7. My rule is that effort needs to be made to meet within the first 3 days. If not, I unmatch.

  8. Dating apps are not worth it. Too many bots, fake accounts, getting limited in many ways (paywalled) and it’s mostly men only. So you will be better off dating IRL.

  9. Back when I was on the apps, if we didn’t meet up within the first week (without a really good reason from someone I really liked) then I’d dip out.

    90% of the time I’d ask them out during the first chat assuming the conversation was interesting and set up a IRL date for a few days later. Worked pretty well. The *entire* point of dating apps is to find single attractive people who also think you’re attractive so you can meet in real life and see if you actually do like each other in person. So the less time you spend “dating” on them the better off you are.

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