I should be more specific. I mean the head hair losing their color and becoming more silvery white. 🙂

  1. Do you mean the peach fuzz? Or super blonde hair? Or dyed hair? Are we talking head-hair or body-hair?

    Because if this is about the peach fuzz we all have on our bodies, then no. We are mammals, we have “fur”. It’s normal and I couldn’t care less

  2. I’ve known several women with beautiful white hair

    I can’t imagine any hair color making me *uncomfortable*

  3. It is to me as it’s one of the most obvious signs of aging, which is something I’m trying to avoid best as I can (and yes, I know some people get white hair even in their 20’s). I’ll dye my hair til I die, lol.

  4. Do not fear the gray hair. It’s going to happen to you no matter what you do, unless you happen to die young.

    I like to think of it as tinsel. Like, those dolls that have tinsel in their hair 😁

  5. I started to have some when I was 14 yo. So I don’t really associate it with aging. Now I’m 27 and shave my head so it starts to be really visible. I don’t care actually, that’s just how my hair is.

  6. There are women who look stunning with grey/white hair. I’m not one of them.

    My whites are thick and then to curl and dry. Ugh. Not aesthetic.

  7. I love it! My hair is about 20% white now, but in about 20 years (judging by my mom’s hair), it will be 100%. I think it looks cool AF

  8. I got my first when I was 18, but it doesn’t make me uncomfortable exactly. It does annoy me that it all doesn’t go the same colour at the same time though. So I plan to dye it until all of it goes grey/white then I’ll leave it.

  9. At this point in my life: yes. But mostly because of the randomness of it. If I snapped my fingers and suddenly I was all white it might be ok but the random patches drive me crazy

  10. The only problem I’ve had with it is unwanted comments from strangers. Once I stopped being bothered by those kinds of interactions I stopped dyeing my hair and started saving sooooo much time, money and energy! So worth it!

  11. I saw so many women my age embracing their natural color of silver/grey/white during the pandemic and they look stunning. Then there’s me with the same mousey brown I’ve had forever and an occasional white hair; come on hair, be all or nothing jeez.

  12. Personally I don’t like it on me. Anyone else can do whatever they want, their body their choice. But I have found one or two grey hairs and have ripped them out. I have naturally brunette hair, which I enhance with dye and personally I want to stay that way as long as I can.

  13. For me? I don’t care, sure i’m young enough to not worry but older woman with white hair always look pretty to me

  14. I started getting little white hairs in my 20s.

    I actually love the colour. It reminds me of my nana who had the most adorable white pixie cut up til she passed, and it looked so cute on her. Once my hair goes fully white I’d love to try that out.

    I don’t like the texture of them though. I notice they feel a lot rougher and more wiry than my normal hair, and they often stick straight up.

    My best friend is greying around her temples so she has these super cool streaks of grey hair like a female Reed Richards. It looks so badass.

  15. I don’t think I have the right complexion to rock the grey hair, doesn’t suit me, and my hair is very dark so they do stand out. I just don’t like it.

    I started colouring 2y ago.

    My grandmother dyed her hair until the week she died, she was always with her perm (her thing ) her eyebrows and nails, and she waxed the 3 hairs of her body… she aged gracefully, and she loved taking care of herself and felt really comfortable with her looks… I think I am following her steps

  16. I don’t mind white hairs but the reason why they appear might vary like.
    when I was 17 I got my first white hair because I was super tensed and depressed and I knew it as I saw that, after few months it was gone and didn’t came back so I don’t like that white hair but I would like the natural white hairs due to aging.

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