Alright, it’s story time. I’m a teenager, who has never been in a relationship before. Recently I went to a youth group to meet more people my age. And I did. On the way there I met this one girl (let’s call her Samantha), and we hit it off.

At the end of day, when everyone was going home, a girl I barely knew (she’ll be named bailey) asked my friend for my Snapchat. We start snapping, and I forget about Samantha.

I come to really like Bailey, and she told me she found me cute, so I felt I had a decent chance with her. later, Samantha messages me and wants to chat on the phone. (I saw her as a friend since I had someone else I was much more into). So I agreed and we talked for hours. at the end, she wanted to talk about crushes, and I told her about someone I met at the youth group. She started crying, and confesses she had a strong crush on me. I didn’t know how to feel. I tried awkwardly playing It off, and eventually out of mostly pitty told her I had a crush on her too. And was pressured into asking her out. (In hindsight I really shouldn’t have done any of that)

But now I’m in this really awkward situation, because I don’t want to go on a date with her, I’m not attracted to her, and she is really insecure as a person, and not the kind of person I want to date.

Meanwhile, me and bailey have more in common, I’m attracted to her, and I would like to date her.

Both of these girls told me they liked me, and I’m not sure which to pick. I don’t want to end up in no relationship at all, and one of them has actually confirmed they want to date, while the other didn’t. It seems wrong to be flirtatious with both at the same time.

Any advice would be appreciated, I’m really trying to be nice to both of them, but I’m also in a pickle. Thanks! (Sorry if I sounded cocky)

\*\*tl;dr\*\*: two girls like me, I like the second one, not the first. asked the first one out though.

1 comment
  1. Stop leading on Samantha, explain to her what you really feel and chose just one. If you prefer bailey more, drop Samantha entirely and go out only with bailey.
    The longer you procrastinate the harder it would get.

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