Women of Reddit, what are the most important qualities that you look for and value in your friendships?

  1. Mutual respect, chemistry, honesty, maturity, respect of boundaries, communication, shared values, sense of humour and common hobbies/interests.

  2. Be honest , don’t judge anyone, don’t make fun of anyone’s disabilities.
    Don’t bring drama around me

  3. For me, I need to feel accepted in the friendship and have the ability to be open and honest with them. I also think having similar morals is important. Finally, the ability to have deep and meaningful conversations but also light hearted and humourous conversations.

  4. integration. not having emotions that are extreme. super highs and super lows. love hate kind of people. it’s a sign that many overlook but is actually really important

  5. I appreciate people that are relaxed and conversational. I love to socialize in setting mike coffee/tea/boba shops and just talk. Bookstores are also nice or coming over to cook.

  6. Honesty, humility, empathy, integrity (especially when it comes to how they talk about other people – no gossiping or trash talking innocents, please!), chemistry, good values (leftist), sense of humor, being accepting of my eccentric ass, and not pitying or judging me once hearing about my traumas…

  7. honesty, like telling me straight up that i’m on the wrong than sugarcoating sh*t.

    matching energy.

  8. might just be me, but i like low maintenance friendships. i dont see the need to text everyday or hang out all the time, but to always know you have each other and are there when you need them or vice versa.

  9. Someone who will equally care for you, unconditionally. Like doing things for someone without there having to be some benefit for themselves. No judgement and no out of pocket shit talking.

  10. Really just acceptance and some joking around. People who not take themselves too serious. I love having deep convos but some light talking is also fine sometimes.

  11. Sense of humour, It’s so important to share a sense of humour. And emotional maturity.

  12. Loyalty. And we must have bonded, get along or find things to do together, no drama. I can be anyone’s friend as long as I get along, but I’m extremely picky when it comes to my closest friends. And zero jealousy and back stabbing.

  13. Someone who is genuinely a good person, kind, empathetic, compassionate, shares important values with me. That’s crucial.

    Then good sense of humor, dependability, good listening skills, good communication, up for trying new things, reciprocity

  14. Had this convo recently with close friends – trust and respect go far. Trust that you can be open and honest. Respect each other’s time, opinions and differences.

  15. Humility, kindness and grace, a good sense of humour and wit, decent interest in the world and its ongoing. All my friends add something to my life and I am constantly learning from them and they accommodate me in their lives too.

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