My boyfriend 26m and I 25f, have been together for almost a year and a half and we have a pretty active sex life for being able to only have intimate time on weekends. We like trying new things and we’ve done anal on occasion starting about 9 months ago, usually during that time of month. The only struggle is that I make him go so slow to start that he ends up losing his hard on a lot of the time. I enjoy anal with him once we ease into it, but if we go too fast I have a tendency to get a little blood and discomfort afterwards. How do you make it easier to get going? I want us to both to be able to enjoy it more. He was my first in all instances and I am the only girl who actually wanted to try anal. Thanks for any tips!

  1. Start with toys *first* and when you’re properly warmed up, *then* introduce his penis into the mix. And there should be some kind of happy medium between “too slow” and “too fast.”

    The bleeding sounds like you’re not using sufficient lube as well so make sure you’re using more than you think you need.

  2. Water based.Use small anal plugs b4 sex.Start small then go bigger as you stretch your ass out.Make sure you deuche your ass of any shit b4 sex with an enema with warm water Don’t use anything else up there

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