Would you continue seeing a guy who told you he’s not looking for a relationship right now (but ultimately that’s what you want)? Does this mean if I keep seeing him he’ll just use me as a fling or is there a chance that he could warm up to a relationship eventually after seeing him awhile?

  1. If means exactly what he says. Don’t go looking for extra meanings or reading in between the lines. You will waste A LOT of time that way. Find someone who wants a relationship.

  2. Guys saying this is exactly the same as when women say “I just like you as a friend”, the only difference is guys don’t turn down sex. Bet he’ll be ready for a relationship when he meets someone he actually sees himself having a relationship with.

  3. Don’t fall for it!! The “with you” at the end is silent. He’s just benching you until he can find better and then he’ll dispose of you. If he does decide to pursue a relationship, he is settling. Move on!

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