AAAHHHHHH im so confused I don’t know what to do I’ve never been more confused I can’t think I can’t work. Is she into me romantically, I don’t know when do I make my move???????. Basically i need 3rd party opinions me and her alone went to see (something) and we were talking the whole night and sort of leaning on each-other the whole time while sitting next to each-other in cinema style seats- when it wasn’t necessary to do so I didn’t see anyone else doing it there and Id never sit like that with someone I wasn’t interested in. Also i saw her fiddling with her fingers a bit during some of the show -is this an indication she was nervous did she want me to make a move ahhhhh .

The problem is i don’t know 100% if she likes me as a friend or likes me likes me. As I have said in a previous post Im a bit younger but I’ve never felt this attracted to anyone before we’ve only know each other 2 weeks but i love her personality she gets my sense of humour which not many girls do, we are into many of the same things, I love her expressions I love her eyes.

The main problem is we are in a extracurricular project sort of thing together working really intimately for the next 2 weeks. If I misjudge and shoot my shot the next two weeks will be cripplingly awkward. Also this is her final year while I still have 1/2 left

My current plan is asking her out again to a less project related more intimate thing(cinema and dinner) closer to the conclusion of the project – maybe put my arm around her during it-is this a good idea?(women on this app) and if she seems to like it kiss her either in the cinema or after walking her back to her house.

Evidently I’m quite young 20 I have never started anything by formally dating. Im not really a nervous person- i jump out of planes for fun but damn this is nerve wracking.

TL;DR again I’m so confused

  1. I probably wouldn’t try putting your arm around her at a movie, just because that can be a little awkward at the best of times, and it can be difficult to gauge the reaction to it. If you have dinner before the movie and you are still getting good vibes, you could try holding hands at the restaurant, on the way to the movie, or in the movie, and see how that goes. It sounds to me like she is probably into you.

  2. Could also maybe send a cute “I made a mistake not kissing you at the end of our date” (if it’s a date)
    Worst case you can always just ask to kiss her if the vibes are good. Make sure she knows that it’s her decision to allow you to kiss her, some women will just “go with it” to minimize any potential dangers. But it from the sounds of it, you’re probably good to go.

    Just.. if she does reject you, don’t flip out, or make it weird. If you behave weirdly after being rejected, she’ll be super uncomfortable and that’s when she’ll separate herself from you.

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