I always see people complaining about how outsiders from other states are moving in and ruining the state. What do you think about transplants? Me personally I don’t have an issue with it unless they start nonstop complaining about the way things are done in the new state they moved to. We have plenty of transplants in NY, especially in the city, but I’ve never had any issues with one.

  1. doesn’t bother me. People like to complain that new people are making traffic bad, as if this city hasn’t always had shitty traffic

  2. Illinois has experienced net outmigration for the last 20 years. You won’t hear me griping about people moving in.

  3. Please come. We have lots of infrastructure that desperately needs to be used/infilled. When the water wars begin, you’ll be glad you established yourself in the middle of the Great Lakes.

  4. Why would you have issues with people complaining about things in your state? That’s a bit absurd, isn’t it? Is your state not a democracy? That’s how changes are made.

    Being from Louisiana, I don’t have any issues with it. Maybe they can help us elect better leadership and representatives.

  5. I don’t give a damn. In Florida it’s easier to find a transplant than someone born n raised here. It feels like 50% of people here will say they were born in NY lol

  6. I’m from/live in Montana.

    People moving here from other countries or states can’t make it worse.

  7. Non-NYers are more than welcome in NY as long as they drive competently and don’t walk so slow you can time them with a calendar.

  8. Being from New Jersey, it’s usually people moving *out* of the state to other states. But I’d always welcome anyone moving here from out of state.

  9. Bring on the transplants. It gives further steam to our belief the we’re the best state, anyways.

  10. I don’t really care. Something like only 30% of the people that live in Arizona were born here so almost everyone is a transplant. Californians take to brunt of the hate in recent years, and I can see some of the longtime residents point of view, but in the end it is what it is.

  11. I’ve lived in 5 states and I never encountered negative feeling of outsiders until moving to New Hampshire. I’m pretty sure they only let me in because I’ve never lived in Massachusetts and I was wearing buffalo check during the interview.

    I never lived in WV, but their distaste for outsiders is also apparent when working there.

  12. I more than welcome it.

    PA needs investment and new life breathed into it more than anything.

  13. When people move to New York they are moving there because it’s New York and that’s what they want. Unfortunately it seems when people move to more rural areas from major metropolitan areas they want things to be like the place they left and just can’t understand why things are different.

  14. Please stop gentrifying my city, raising my rent and killing all the family shops for Whole Foods and Starbucks

    But if you don’t do that welcome to NY

  15. I think such complaints ignore the nature of a group of “united states.” Free movement between the states has led to people moving around. I know Californians especially who move to other states experience a lot of hatred, but chances are fairly high that a Californian has parents or at least grandparents born elsewhere. If people are allowed to move between areas, they will do so.

    Now, I can understand wanting to preserve the culture of a place. I don’t want my own small town swamped with people who aren’t interested in continuing our traditions. But that’s more of an interpersonal matter than an issue of people moving in in general.

  16. We generally don’t mind people moving into Texas until they come into a market in huge numbers waving wads of cash and force us out of cities we no longer recognize, and then start doing everything to make the place just like the shithole they moved away from. Yes California, I mean you.

  17. I moved out of Virginia because of what transplants and their immediate descendants were turning my homestate into. If I wanted to deal with New York or Ohio’s policies, I would move there. It’s bad enough dealing with NOVA. Do your homework on the culture and way of life in the area that you are moving to. If you don’t like what you find, there are 49 others to choose from. I would highly recommend visiting coastal Virginia in the height of summer before moving here.

  18. I am perfectly fine with people actually moving here and wanting to reside here.

    I am not fine with out of state investors from Boston and California buying up houses left and right only to use them for rental properties and make an already terrible housing market even worse.

  19. i think it’s cool but the problem is that so many people are moving to my county recently that it’s seriously fucking up the housing market. i love it here and the more the merrier but i would like to be able to own a house in the the only place my family has called home for 3 generations.

  20. As someone who just moved, maybe the other side of this equation: people are generally really nice to the newcomers, but when I say I’m Californian multiple people have gotten hostile at that point 🤣 *that’s* the issue here

  21. My $0.02 cents.

    I live in Tennessee. People complain about people moving out of state jacking up housing prices because the cost of housing is out of wack with the wages right now. The reality is nearly the entire US (especially cities of any size) and beyond the US, the most of the developed world is experiencing a housing affordability crisis. Everyone thinks our situation is unique, and it just isn’t. Housing costs to wages are messed up everywhere–throughout the US, Canada, Western Europe, Australia, New Zealand, etc.

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