Since a few weeks I seem to be at a loss of words and/or using the wrong ones when I speak on the job. I’m new and I already got the lable that I’m never really clear in communication, on what I want for example. Haven’t had communication problems for years but it appears I’m running down a hill here.

  1. Be direct with what you need. Instead of saying “I have a question,” or “this is a simple question,” just ask your question. It’s not so much being blunt. It’s more just being very clear on what your needs and expectations are from another person.

  2. I’ve been in this position before! And I still struggle with it!

    From my experience, I’ve realised that I was unclear while communicating, because I was trying to say the things that would please my colleague instead of the things that I actually needed from them. But yea, I’ve realised that it’s better to be clear about what I need from them instead of trying to please people.

    Also, I realised that I was unclear while communicating with some people because I was nervous around them. For example, I used to be nervous while working with my manager so I was never able to say things clearly to her. I would either be mumbling or forgetting my words. This was happening to me because I was never sure whether I was saying the right things to her or not. I was so worried about saying the right things that everything that I said became unclear and odd lol.

    Since you’re new, you’re probably still trying to figure out what your colleagues are like. This might make you feel less sure about yourself (because you’re in a new environment with new people) so your speech gets impacted. Honestly, my speech also becomes like the way you described when I meet new people.

    After working here for a bit, I’m pretty sure you’ll figure out ways to communicate effectively! Until then, try to observe how your colleagues interact with each other and communicate in general about work! You can also use some YouTube videos to help you!

    Also, I used to get my journal and literally break down the entire situation where I spoke unclearly. Then I’d write down some other things I could’ve said instead of the thing that I actually said. This helped me!

    Good luck with work! You’ll do amazing 🤩

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