What would you think and feel if an old classmate started chatting with you on social networks after one year?

  1. Feels normal? As long as they’re not trying to talk to me about their MLM because they’re a BossBabe, I don’t know why there’s an issue.

  2. It depends on our previous relationship. If we were never cool or never friends, leave me alone. If we were cool and cordial then I’d probably reply and see why they’re hitting me up.

  3. There is no one my age from school I would ever be interested in talking to, ever. A couple teachers I would be touched if they remember me, though.

  4. Most likely I would ignore it, I wasn’t really friends with any classmates so I have no desire to “catch up” with any of them

  5. It usually means they’re involved in some sort of pyramid scheme and looking for marks.

  6. As a baseline, nothing in particular. It would depend almost entirely upon the relationship we’d had during school, and the tone/apparent intent of this new communication.

    Personally, I’d be unlikely to respond, with exceptions for *maybe* two or three people. Nothing good back there for me and no desire for the reminder. The huge majority would lead to a response along the lines of “oh, shit, you again? **Block**.”

  7. After one year of what?

    The last time I was in school was in 1998, so if a long lost classmate found me, I would be impressed.

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