Rang up to book a table at a restaurant and they use one of those AI call handlers to book it. Worked really well, but the problem is at the end of the call the AI told me to “have a nice day” and I felt obliged to say “you too” knowing full well she wasn’t real!

What would you do?

  1. Get used to it. There’s more on the way.

    On a serious note though, I’ve watched two of my friends interact with Alexa. One always says please and thank you, one just yells and talks in a dismissive tone.

    Whilst you don’t need to be polite, do you think you run the risk of copying your rudeness to the AI into everyday life? So surely being polite all the time is better than switching all the time and risking upsetting a real person. So OP, I think it better to err on the side of politeness.

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