Firstly, I’d like to say that I just reached out to her about an irrelevant subject, but she initiated the conversation. So I’ve been talking with a girl for a few days who can be considered famous, (about 130k on Instagram although 99% of her following is just in her local country) and she obviously has a lot of people she has to speak to daily. At first, she seemed interested and caring, but now we rarely talk anymore. Before anyone starts, I know at this point that it’s over. But I’ve been talking to my friends about it and they said there wasn’t a spark at all, even though I believe there was something, even if for a little.

Now it didn’t last that long so that’s why I’m able to type out all of the important events, but for the record, it was she who first started to act interested in me by acting questions about me (irrelevant about the first topic I reached out to her for), talked with me all night (timezone difference), texted me first thing in the morning and sent her a photo of herself in bed when she woke up, sent me reels on Instagram about me, complimented me multiple times, invited me to a call at our first conversation and told me that she would hit me up if she were to visit my country.

Now I believe those are signs of interest, even if they didn’t last that long. My friends say that she gave me attention because she has a reputation to keep and that she even manipulated me, but I think that much would be highly unnecessary and a waste of her time. I just feel like I’m being gaslighted and I don’t know what to believe. I could use some insight, thanks in advance!

TL;DR: I talked with a famous girl some time ago, but my friends say all of her actions were only because of her being nice. I feel like that much politeness is highly unnecessary. (highly recommended to read said actions on second paragraph)

  1. It sounds like she did put a lot of time into interacting with you. But what her motivations are no one can really tell.

    Generally the actions you describe are of someone being interested in you. However if she was just bored, manipulating, or genuinely interested who knows.

    You will probably never know so you will need to decide for yourself when you have closure.

  2. Yeah… I dunno man, if she’s insta famous and lives in another country then genuine interest is not really a plausible reason for doing this. Why would she be interested in someone so far away if she has guys in her DMs daily? And why would she then stop suddenly? It doesn’t make much sense. She’s either after money, connections, or it’s a reputation thing. You will never know for sure but it’s a little naive to assume that just because she talks to you and sends you pictures she’s interested. There’s a lot to be gained from APPEARING interested sometimes.

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