I absolutely don’t understand how can a man/woman be interested in their partners for so long! I mean ofc there are many couples out there that successfully keep the spark alive but as a woman, I often feel so unconfident about steeping into marriage coz i can totally foresee myself running the divorce and taking care of the kids myself. I am confused, is there really partners that don’t cheat and is there any ways to keep a marriage alive ?

  1. I would say I am super lucky I am with a woman I am so attracted to. I crave her all day. I hope it sticks when we are 60 and beyond.

    We have been together on and off for over 12 years now. We have been working very hard on our family and moving forward for the past 3. When I look at the pics of us 12 years ago we look so different, like babies XD When I look at her today I see the same person. I think when it’s like this you can have a successful marriage. NEXT STOP MARRIAGE!

  2. My partner and I have been going strong since we’ve met, (29M) (28F). Met her when I was 14 years old, have a beautiful son together. It’s very possible, don’t feed into all the social media crap feeding into our phones. All those dudes ruining lives by asking stupid questions on a boardwalk. Keep away from social media and I can assure you a relationship will prosper. I truly believe that I was one of the lucky ones to find the one so early. I don’t regret a damn thing either, I regret not seeing it earlier.

    Don’t stress over the what ifs and enjoy what’s happening. Don’t play out a divorce situation in your mind because it’s not going to happen like that. Glass half empty or half full, you choose.

  3. My marriage isn’t fresh. It’s better than that. It’s deep, lasting, comforting, reliable, and a different kind of sexy than just ‘sparks’ can give.

  4. I think it’s more a matter of just maintaining an intimate relationship with your partner than it is losing interest. When you hear of couples divorcing or breaking up after a very long relationship, you don’t hear them talk about how stale and boring their bedroom became.. but that it died all together. Typically the sex simply stops, and that often contributes to the end.

    So maybe rather than keeping it fresh, couples should just focus on maintaining sex and cuddling practices even when life gets in the way. Or even when arguing gets in the way. Because if you really think about it.. have you ever become unable to get yourself off? Maybe it happens every once in a great while, but most of us can reach an orgasm pretty easily. Sex is gonna be the same way. We just have to make time and put in the effort.

  5. The simplest answer is to never stop dating, and to never stop making an effort to please your partner.

    Often times what happens is that once the honeymoon period is over people start getting lazy, and stop making an effort.

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