When you were with someone you knew was your life partner.

Edit: also, why were you opposed before?

  1. I know what drives them, fear. Nobody knows when a “life partner” shows up. Divorce numbers are pretty clear.

  2. Played the game of life on easy and medium and spartan , Wanted to switch it up to God Mode !

  3. Because for some reason, even though women are desperate to throw off all shackles of ancient patriarchal oppression, they still want to get married.

    Another in the long list of things men will do merely because women like doing it.

  4. I’ve never really seen the point of marriage, but for my wife it was a required step if we wanted to have kids. At the time I was fully into the idea of kids so we got married.

    Life didn’t really change after marriage, we went about our lives just like before.

  5. Because you don’t see many lifelong single old people who are happy, The only exception I would make is in the case of gay men.

    I started seeing how happy the people ~15-20 years older than me were when they were married and when I’d go for dinner at married friends places their souls just seemed more “complete”

  6. Would you like the opposite slant? I was married at 24 and had a beautiful wife and 3 kids. About 7 years ago she began a conspiracy to defraud myself and my family of a lot of money. Now o fucking hate the concept of marriage and will never let someone in like that again

  7. I never thought I would get married, or have kids. The right partner changed that.

    You know they are the one when you stop questioning it. I still recommend being together for a while, as well as living together first. I know it isn’t the “traditional” thing to do, but you want to get a real life look at what day to day life is like with that person. It is easy to think everything is great during the honeymoon phase, but you need to be around each other when things are not great, to see what may annoy you, etc.

  8. She showed she had my back through some pretty rough times in my life. Went out of her way to be supportive and loyal. Plus a prenup helps.

  9. I was against marriage, I still am, not sure why I agreed. I thought my husband was against marriage too, but after 8 years together he started pushing for us to get married. Was it a coincidence that it lined up with the time line of me making significantly more than him and when I bought a house? I don’t know.

  10. I never understood what real happyness was. When she gave birth to our first I realized that she satisfy my mind, body and soul.

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