OK to make the long story short usually on dating apps men ask the same question “what are you looking for on here”and I tell them that I’m looking for a relationship and all the sudden they stop responding even if their profile says they’re also looking for a relationship. Am I doing something wrong?

  1. Men … unlike women … are more than happy to sleep with women that does not quite live up to what they want in a woman, which is why they might match with you in the first place.


    Furthermore a lot of woman don’t mind casual if the guy is attractive enough … Despite having written “I’m looking for a relationship” in their profile, so there is that too.


    I’d recommend just shrugging your shoulders and moving on ..

    .. or if you feel you deserve better than the guys actually interested in a relationship with you *(and there are definately such guys, as many are desperate to the point of to the point where any woman will do)* then see if you can work on yourself. Are you as fit as can be, how is your charm and charisma etc etc.

  2. Why do women disappear? Especially after leading you on and saying “you check every box” “I’ll never let you go” and then completely ghost you?

  3. Everyone on apps disappears for any reason. It’s not you or the topic you made up. Just the way it is.

  4. They’re not looking for a relationship with you. Lucky you, your search became easier. Move onto the next man.

  5. Because dating apps bring out the worst in people and they to me seem designed to use you as a product instead helping you find a relationship. The idea of swiping has created an idea of ” an abundance of options are available to you” which is honestly a harmful mentality for dating for a relationship.

    My first rule with online dating
    Try to not get your emotions involved at all until you have at least met them in person.

    Now days I honestly tell people to find people IRL or to ask friends to play match maker for them, way less toxic and probably a lot more honest communication.

    If it makes you feel better I only am interested in a serious long term monogamous relationship and I only get likes from married couples 💀💀💀…

  6. I think you’re looking at the wrong guys. Many guys want realtionships and cant find somebody in apps or irl. We all are guilty of probably liking certain qualities that are usually red flags or catch wrong types. If you want a relationship.. guy has to be on same page or ur wasting time you could be with the right guy. Def dont drop feelings or start intimacy if that’s your goal .. be on the same page.. but dont tell them that. Just for ur happiness. I think your smart speaking how you feel.. guy will be lucky … many girls never say what they want

  7. Because they’re *actually* only interested in sex. Better they leave you on read, than lead you on.

  8. You’re looking at the attractive men. Women generally only swipe right to the top 10% of the men in the app, while the rest of the men don’t get a single match. I would suggest looking for a not that good looking men, tends to be more relationship material.

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