How much of your actual personality do you show at work?

  1. My sense of humor is…an acquired taste. One coworker said I’m the Gilbert Gottfried of coworkers. So yeah, I have to keep it in check because too many of the highly educated but humor deficient people I work with just aren’t capable if appreciating it.

  2. Enough to not be boring, but not too much to get complaints from HR.

    In any case, my personality is not a small, single monolith, and different situations let me showcase different parts of it.

  3. I stay away from the gallows humor or anything else particularly dark or apt to set someone, who can’t discern joke from actual opinion, off.

  4. depends on who I’m talking to, I have a narcissistic, abusive manager that I give one word answers to and just generally try to make forget I exist as much as possible, but I also have coworkers that I would consider actual friends that I can be almost genuine with, that being said, I have to watch how much of my personal life I reveal at work and mind my P’s and Q’s a bit even with my closest work friends, in short, as others have said, it really depends on the situation and relationship with that specific coworker

  5. All of it, and I have a very big personality so it’s awesome. I’m appreciated and paid for being myself. I never thought something like this would happen to me. I am so grateful

  6. None. If I did I would be fired in an instant. They get the plastered on smile that I never actually mean and I make sure to run every word I think of saying through a filter before it comes out my mouth.

    I find empathy extremely difficult and am glad I keep my real self hidden when things happen to my coworkers.

  7. I always say everyone at work knows me, but nobody KNOWS me. I’m approachable and helpful and get along with everyone, but that’s about all they really know about who I am

  8. Currently I don’t show that much. I’m just a part time cashier, I’m all smiles and real nice, but I don’t talk all that much.

    Not really interested in getting buddy buddy with my coworkers either, so yeah I don’t show all that much personality.

    Do love working there though, better than rotting in bed every moment I wasn’t at the gym, that was what I was doing during my break before I got hired.

  9. Just the nice bits

    I don’t generally let on that I’m vengeful, over-sexed and contemptuous of the bulk of the population for their stupidity and shortsightedness.

    That would be equally rude and unwise.

  10. All of it !!!!

    My personality is my greatest tool, if you can’t sell yourself then you’re a true failure.

  11. All of the good stuff and as little of the bad stuff as I can manage.

    That’s why I’m always so popular wherever I work, because there’s very little BS with me. I am who I am and I have no fear of showing it, so people like how open, honest and comfortable I am with myself, which helps my colleagues to feel free to act the same way about themselves.

    But obviously I also have negative qualities that I have to tone down as much as I can for my job, as we’re still a group of people who need to work well together.

  12. None. I’m a polite friendly Winnie The Pooh at work, just so I can do my shit in relative peace.

  13. I have a very different personality with my colleagues. They think I’m very outgoing and love joking around.

    My friends know me as one of the most serious person they know who has a stone-faced expression 90% of the time

  14. It depends with who more than how much i show.

    Work people are not people here by choice not really even though they can enjoy it. Its not a community anyone fits in because its not a community.

    I can show a big part of it at best, almost nothing at worse.

  15. All of it but I have a pretty decent job where I just get to joke around with everyone including management.

  16. Basically nothing.

    When in meetings and when answering questions via emails/teams I try to be as emotionless as possible and get staight to the point.

  17. Maybe 25%. The other 75% changes based on the person I’m with, and the situation I’m in.

  18. Maybe 60%. I cut out anything divisive and tailor my jokes/comments/anecdotes to the specific group I’m chatting with.

  19. All of it, basically. I don’t know why people feel the need to act differently with coworkers

  20. Zero. Don’t talk personal stuff and don’t bring anything from outside work in. Minimal interaction with coworkers and customers, 95%+ of what comes out of my mouth is just “yes/no sir/ma’am” with slightly different tones of voice.

  21. None. I am a harsh professional. I like to joke around sometimes but stop people if they become too casual.

    It’s a fucking jungle out there, man. People will eat you alive if you show weakness.

  22. None. Displaying any “real personality” in a work setting is a sure way to get fired, or become stagnant. With regards to the later, homocorporate work is a very sterile environment, and if you start displaying your personality there without clashing with anyone (which is always the smart move), you’ll eventually wan’t to “fit in” with your colleagues, and slowly but surely, the environment itself will end up merging with what you think are your values and perspective of life. If your life goal is
    to become a machine, then fine, “be yourself” at work.

  23. Like 10%. You need to ‘act perfect’ in any conpetitive job or you will be cancelled 5 years from now.

  24. maybe 50%. My thought process on it is that if I show enough, no one asks for more.

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