My mom just passed away days after my birthday and I was on the opposite side of the world when it happened. I am scared I might forget her face, her voice and all the things that i still remember. I miss my mom already.

  1. My mom died in 2018 and I still see her in my dreams. It’s a nice way to get a much needed hug.

    As she was dying I tried to memorize her hands. Her face. But it’s vague.

    I remember how she looked and sounded though. I still tell myself things in my head she used to say. In her voice as far as I can tell.

    You never forget her. I think about my mom a lot and it keeps her memory fresh. It still hurts, too, but it hurts a little less.

    I just wish she were here. I’ve needed my mom so much since she’s been gone.

  2. I’m sorry to hear about your mom’s passing. My mom died in early 2002 when I was 12 years old, so I’ve known her longer as deceased than alive.

    The short answer is, no you don’t. The memories of your mom will live rent-free in the back of your mind.


    I get it, the only thing that is keeping her spirit alive are memories of her, and you’re terrified that you’ll move on and lose those memories, and she will be forgotten. This is not the case, but you need to take the time to process what has happened and go through the grieving process. Keep in mind that it is OK to move on, so don’t feel bad about waking up one day feeling a little better about the situation.

  3. Sorry for your loss. I lost my mother 33 years ago and I still remember her voice, her face and I just about had a little cry a month ago when my wife made some chocolate chip cookies that tasted just like my mom’s. For what’s it worth I have a terrible memory but those things have just stuck with me.

    I do remember having similar feelings the days after her passing, it was like I was trying to recall every memory of her and coming up short. There will be things that trigger your memories and you won’t know when it will happen but a sight or sound or smell will bring back something you thought you forgot.

  4. I am very sorry for your loss. My mom passed away 6 years ago. But my dad passed away in 1989 and I can still close my eyes and think about him and remember his face and the good times.

    One key thing I did with my mom, is she had left me a few VMs a few months before she died. So I still have those. So when I want to hear her voice, that’s what I use.

    I also keep all the text messages we exchanged over time. So I go back and look at them sometimes.

    I do see her in some of my dreams though. And sometimes it sucks because I wake up and realize she is not there, and it’s very sad.

  5. Sorry for your loss.

    My mom died in 2008, but really, thanks to Alzheimer’s she was effectively gone by 1999. I still remember her voice and her joy of life very well. She was a really fun lady who lit up the room at any party or other gathering.

    I sure you’ll remember your mother as well. Smile when you remember the wonderful things about her and you’ll be fine,

  6. I’m so sorry you have to go through this now.

    Absolutely I remember.
    Mom passed in 1998. I still miss her. Now and then, I’ll hear or smell something that reminds me of her, and I’ll still look. Then I’ll shed a tear or two when I remember.

    Sometimes I dream of her. We do the things we used to do – try to speed run the Jumble or Crosswords; play Canasta; or just talk.

    Mom was always my rock, and always had the best advice. I really miss having her around. I’m not sad all the time about her loss, but I rarely go longer than about a week without wishing she was around to call or talk to.

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