Days, weeks

  1. We took 2 weeks of daily texting… initially setting up a date 2 weeks in the future due to diaries and children. We’re still going 9 months in.

  2. If they are a fast at responding messages, I like to ask them out on a date with at least one week heads up.

  3. I tried to keep it minimal. Match during the week, text a bit here and there, schedule a date for within the week.

    With my boyfriend, we matched, chatted for a little, and then went on our first date 3 days later.

  4. Several days normally and I’ll ask to go for a date. That also might be a few days away, so a week or less is pretty good. I’m not interested in pen pals or wasting time

  5. Not more than 2 or 3 days and the date has to be planned on the first day. I’ve spent way too many talking stages getting attached to people I’d spent no time with in person so I don’t really do texting anymore. Some people say how do you know if you vibe if you don’t text but I’ve gone out with guys that were fun in text and boring in person and Vice versa 🤷🏽‍♀️ so fuck it

  6. You have to make the move for the date as soon as possible

    Typically if I manage to move someone from an app to texting/social media i’ll give it a few more messages and then shoot for the date

    It typically works because they already liked you enough to share their number, at that point the more you message the more likely you are to lose their interest, so strike while the iron is hot

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