The title sounds kind of bratty, so let me explain:

We’ve been dating for two, going on three, months now. While this is not a long time, we’ve known each other much longer and are in sync with each other’s tastes.

We’ve already gotten each other’s Christmas gifts handled. While cleaning, I accidentally found what he had gotten me ( I know it sounds like I was snooping, but the object and box are large and hard to hide) for obvious privacy reasons I won’t say, but it’s a very expensive item I had mentioned not wanting or needing because I already owned not just one, but two brand new, fully working versions of this item. There is no doubt he has seen them in my apartment.

I’m a little lost on what to do or how I’m going to respond to this at Christmas – I’m used to responding to all gifts graciously, especially the kind you get at Christmas by your aunt or great-uncle that is something you could never see yourself wanting or using, but you want to express gratitude. Then afterward you quietly re-gift it or stow it away. We’ve all been there.

But this feels different because it’s a gift from my boyfriend, a super expensive one at that – so I’m both perplexed at how he can forget that I already own two of this thing, and also on how to express my gratitude. I know he spent so much on it and wants me to use it. He visits my apartment almost every day, so he’s bound to notice if it’s not being used. Any help with this conundrum? I’d just hate to look a gift horse in the mouth, especially from someone whose feelings I deeply care about.

**Also**: It’s non-returnable.

  1. Explain to him that you accidentally found his gift and that while it’s a kind gesture you worry that it won’t be used enough to justify the price tag. If it’s non returnable perhaps he can flip it on Facebook market place for close to what he paid for it. He may be upset, he may be mad, but at least you didn’t just say “omg I love it” and let it collect dust

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