My man is in the process of growing a beard. I want to surprise him for Christmas with some beard products and don’t know what works for tending the beast. He hates the feeling of lotion on his face!

  1. I’m not much for unguents, oils, waxes, or conditioners either so I can’t advise on those.

    I’ve worn a beard for almost 40 years now, and the two things that matter most to me are my electric beard trimmer and my boar bristle brushes. I even keep a tiny brush in my car.

  2. I use mad viking beard co. they are an amazing company with a whole line of beard tending products. disclaimer, family is good friends with the owners and founders. they have beard washes, balms, waxes, combs, brushes, the whole gammit, everything is made as naturally as possible. They are veteran friendly, and have an amazing customer support.

  3. boar bristle brush and a little oil (don’t need to be scammed by expensive products). The rest is pretty much genes imo. Good pair of steel scissors has been good for me too.

  4. Shampoo and conditioner, you can get decent 2 in 1s, I only use it once a week or so when it’s not too long and on other days I just use a face/beard wash when I wash my face in the morning and before bed. Beard oils can be good, I often use one if I haven’t trimmed in a couple of days and it just helps keep it all a little tamer and hides those strays you might have missed. A trimmer is obviously essential and then maybe one of those kits which have like a comb, moustache scissors and a little oil or lotion or whatever. I have so many products for my beard but I probably only use 2 or 3 of them regularly.

  5. Beard butter. I especially like the ones from Detroit Grooming Company. They seem expensive, but they will last a long time. Good for if you have a trim beard and want to make sure the hairs stay orderly while being nourished. Plus they smell good. Pair that with a good brush and some beard oil for everyday grooming and you’re in business.

  6. Im still pretty inexperienced when it comes to beard care but here are some points

    1. Balms and oils are pretty much the same thing except balms are wax based, they do help in keeping the hair softer, but arent needed. If he does want them, balms are better for bigger beards to help shape it, oil is more general use.

    2. Boar bristle brushes are the best, tough enough to control the hair but soft enough to not irritate your skin.

    3. A good grooming set is always nice, electric razor with multiple guards/blades will help in keeping it neat

    4. Small scissors to trim loose hair/moustache is essential

    5. I personally use beard shampoo but its not really needed, you can just use regular shampoo, but i prefer beard shampoo because its a softer scent that doesnt hurt my nose and it also softens my beard further

  7. Make sure you get the right comb and brush for it. Don’t pluck any hairs, only stroke it.

    I don’t use anything else then wax myself, but if I have been to the barber I have them add in oil. I have always a full treatment for hair and beard. May as well have some enjoyment while being there. I have a beard comb with me at all times aside from that.

  8. Look up beard mountain. Have had great success with all products. I’m the only male in my family who can grow a beard Abd I owe it all to beard mountain.

  9. I can’t say I have any I swear by, but I am not the super groomer type. I also really only bother with products when I grow it out longer. When I have kept it under an inch it really doesn’t need products beyond a brush.

    If someone wants to get me beard products like oils, creams, or butters, I would tell them a variety of sample size stuff. Some I might like and others will go in the trash after one trial. Again these are for longer beards.

    After shower products just never did what I wanted with a longer beard. I did spend some time and money trying different conditioners for in the shower. I found some OGX conditioners to be good and many are in fragrances that aren’t super feminine. Washing a beard with only conditioner is a thing.

    Walgreens carries a brand “Cremo” that is kind of generic (it is Walgreens), but their cheap-ish beard brush and wooden comb are nicer than the price implies. They might also offer plastic versions and you can skip those.

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