My boyfriend isn’t into period sex but during that time my drive is increased a lot and it’s all want. I’ve never done it before but I really want to try it. He’s suggested that I just give him head during but l’m not super excited by that because it’s not fun for me to just get increasingly turned on while doing so only to not receive anything. I explained that to him but he called it “selfish” jokingly but I could tell it wasn’t really a joke. I’m looking for any advice or compromise that y’all have to offer of how to deal with this?

  1. you’re not obligated to ever have sex. That being said, you can def get away with a dirty handjob (using parts of your body + hands)

  2. I myself don’t mind period Sex it’s a natural thing it happens It can be quite liberating to be honest To say the least I have my red wings….

  3. Period sex in the dark on a dark towel. With a dark, already damp cleaning towel for his dick when you guys are done. Everybody wins.

  4. Hate to break it to you but some men are super down for period sex and even period oral. They exist. May not be a deal breaker but you are missing out.

  5. There are a few options:

    – he could finger you
    – you could have shower sex
    – he could eat you out
    – he could use a sex toy on you
    – you could masturbate together

    These are all options you can discuss together to find something that works for your relationship.

  6. It can be one sided. I was super against it up until about two years ago. But my wife(26) and I(29) sat down and really went through what we liked sexually and promised each other that we would try anything at least three times before we took it off the table. Communication is an absolute necessity.

    You could let him know when you have light bleeding and maybe he’d go for it then. Good luck! Hopefully he comes around!

  7. I can relate with your partner. I don’t want to be mean or anything, but it’s a real turnoff for me. So when my partner would try to push me in that direction, knowing I don’t like it, it would seem selfish for me, too. BUT you guys can have compromises. Like where in this universe called sex are his limits? Don’t like PIV, try fingering. Doesn’t want that? What about stimulation while wearing your underwear. Can he use a toy to get you off? He could use a toy on you while you give him head. He could use disposable gloves, etc. Again, I don’t know where the problem lies for him, just that there are many options available.

    The point I’m trying to make is that there can be ways around it. Nothing needs to be gross or strange as long as it works for both of you

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