What is the most useless household item that you have?

  1. I have a fondue pot that was a gift back in 2006 approximately. It has been used 0 times. I do not know why it is still in my kitchen…

  2. I bought a juicer once and fresh juice is awesome but you need a metric ton of fresh fruit to get a good amount and and it was harder than balls to clean.

    I used it one time.

  3. I have flash cubes still. You know for your camera that doesn’t have a flash in it? That camera that takes film?

  4. It’s like a toaster but the holes are cylindrical and it’s to cook hot dogs and sausage

  5. My self I am useless as a hosholder and should have adopted someone who can keep me and the house in order

  6. A big box of Styrofoam. I don’t know why someone in my family buy a 2washing machine sized of Styrofoam. Its a goddamn 1 big ass Styrofoam in our living room corner. Now that I mention it, I think I should throw it away.

  7. It seems like someone always gets some kitchen gadget that never gets used as a gift. I’ve got a cabinet of that crap.

  8. Useless: Panini maker, and air fryer. They sit in my kitchen and get used once every few years

    Useful: Toaster Oven. Use it everyday, and it seems to me like the usefulness overlaps with the above two items.

  9. The Amazon Echo Dot I have in my room. I guess my home wifi is screwed up or something because the past couple months I haven’t been able to set an alarm on it or anything. Not to mention I gotta get an Amazon membership or something just for it to play music!

  10. A large rock. It’s somewhere between 5-10 lbs. I did take it to get checked out once and it is a pretty standard quartz agate from what the geologist told me. There is absolutely nothing special about this rock. I first met the rock when a roommate went out drinking with some friends and came back with it. When he moved out he left so now it’s mine I guess. I have asked the former roommate where he got it, he said and I quote
    “It was like we in another dimension that was just like Earth, then a meteor crashed down in the river. So we went and pulled this rock out. Then an alien came down and told us not to open it.”
    I am going to just go with the geologist on this one.

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