
I’m finding this situation very difficult and saddening so thank you for everyone who reads and advises.

I’ve been with my bf for 3 years, and I genuinely thought we would get married. We looked at rings together, spent all our time together, and he supported me through some massive changes in my life. However, lately I just know with certainty that he is not ‘my person’. I don’t think we communicate well enough, I think there are fundamental different ideas for the future, and I constantly feel he puts me down and doesn’t make me feel good about myself. I waited to see if things would change, but they haven’t, and I think I am unhappy more than I am happy (causing a decline in my mental health). However, whenever I want to end things and start the conversation, I abruptly stop it as there are things I find so hard:

1. Seeing a man you genuinely loved/love a lot cry and be really upset, and me thinking if I drop this idea he will just be happier again
2. The fear of being alone. I am not scared of being single, but I am scared of not having anyone to cook with or watch tv with or generally have these comforting experiences with, even if all is not well
3. Sometimes, when I try to end it, he tells me it is all my fault that the relationship has deteriorated and I was not a good partner at times. I’ve been getting better at this part, but I had a lot of times when I decided to stay so I can prove that I AM a good partner
4. Just the general idea that this person helped me a lot and was kind and loving to me, and I am letting someone go who gave me more love than I had ever previously experienced

Ultimately, it’s causing hurt to both sides, but I find the above forces so strong that I continue to stay, and I just do not know how to get past that mental block


TLDR: Staying in a bad relationship as scared of hurting somone/scared of being alone/scared of being thought badly of/scared of losing a deep love. How do I do this??

  1. Being alone and sad is better than being tied to someone who talks down to you and being sad.

  2. There are lots of better men out there, but you can’t find one if you don’t leave him.

    You don’t have to sit through the argument. You don’t even have to tell him in person, especially if you think he’ll make it hard for you to leave. He does not have to agree to your breaking up. He is not entitled to multiple (!!) drawn-out arguments that he uses to insult you further.

    If you live with him, it will obviously take some more planning, but you can 100% do it. Stand up for yourself and leave him.

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