A few weeks ago I saw a group of kids (secondary school age I’d say) walking up the street towards me. Nobody else was there and they looked like the sort of kids you’d usually expect a bit of trouble from. All full of fade haircuts and tracksuits and swagger. I wasn’t doing anything to draw attention to myself, but having lived in cities all my life I know it doesn’t necessarily take much for them to at least pass a shitty comment or potentially get aggressive as you walk past. As I get closer one of them turns to his mates. “Here we go” I think.

He says.

*”Hey guys, which one of us dya think can skip the fastest?”*

And then all four of them skip all the way to the end of the road.

A few days later I’m approaching a corner shop and there’s a load of kids hanging out outside it. I can see them talking to adults on the way in to the shop. They’re probably going to ask me to buy them cigarettes when I get closer.

Nope. they’re stopping every single person that walks past and asking if they’re having a good day!

Today, different shop, different crowd of kids. One of them bumps in to me on my way in. Here we go, I’ve found the trouble makers.

Nope, it was a total accident and on the way out they’re all paired up and teaching each other to waltz from Youtube videos.

Seriously. Kids were pricks when I was younger. I was one of the lesser pricks but I was still a loud sweary prick. Most kids were even prickier than I was. I didn’t know any like this lot.

Now kids all seem incredibly polite. They don’t seem to swear much, even when they’re just chatting in a group amongst themselves and I’m just passing by.

Are parents doing a better job? Are there Youtube tutorials on how to raise jice kids that everyone’s following? Is there something in the school meals? Is it just a coincidence?

What’s going on!?

  1. You’re in the wrong area lol
    Here where I live kids push old ladies off of their mobility scooters and laugh while running away.. Walking in front of oncoming traffic in junctions shortly after the traffic law passed, throwing eggs at McDonald’s employees and customers, the list doesn’t end..

  2. Maybe you look utterly terrifying but haven’t realised…?

    Maybe you live in an outrageously posh area…?

    Maybe those same kids have spiked you with ungodly amounts of lsd and you haven’t actually left your house in weeks…?

  3. I don’t know many kids who were arseholes growing up to be fair, always found it to be a vocal/disruptive minority.

    I have however felt the same way as you walking by a huge group of teens and been wary, but other than sassy remarks that are meant in jest I generally have a neutral to good experience.

    Loads of teens used the gym I went to, they were all really polite bar making the place a shit hole and essentially an extension of a common room.

  4. I was recently called a “Cockwomble” by a gang of Middle Class thugs coming out of a Waitrose. I was shocked and unable to respond at the time. I shook my fist as they rode off on e-scooters.

  5. Most sprogs are like that, but because we don’t pay attention unless a threats perceived it goes unnoticed.

  6. Nice try teenagers. Can’t fool me, infiltrating this sub, making us think you’ve all turned over a new leaf. Why I oughta *shakes fist*

  7. Overheard a conversation at the weekend between a Maccies employee and 2 officers the staff had called, then noticed the group of what must have been 14/15 years old slink out when they spotted the same conversation. Seems like some are still up to the usual.

  8. I once got frightened by a group of kids outside my housing block who were insistent on asking me how I got my shirt so clean

  9. Nah this is pretty far off my world lmao. Some cunts on the top of a bus throwing eggs onto people exiting. Chavs.

  10. Round here only the dickheads do anything to warrant any sort of attention rest are pretty quiet.

  11. Oh look at meee, I’m OP and live in a safe area.

    Lad, listen here! If you so much as look at the yobo cunts in my area you get an earful of abuse and flashes of their blades.

  12. Count yourself lucky. The groups of teens where I live are scary af and will start on you for nothing.

  13. Show these YouTube videos to the three 15 year olds who kicked the shit out of my 12 year old daughter just cos they could.

    You obviously live in a nice are cos kids round here a grade A dickheads.

  14. Show these YouTube videos to the three 15 year olds who kicked the shit out of my 12 year old daughter just cos they could.

    You obviously live in a nice are cos kids round here a grade A dickheads.

  15. The kids in my school and in my area are absolutely FERAL, where you are sounds like a dream

  16. My teenage son and his friends are extremely polite and kind.

    Their idea of fun is seeing if they can pick each other up.

  17. Meanwhile in my area, local kids are burning down buildings, attacking pregnant shop workers with trolleys, pulling over brick walls at the fronts of people’s houses, shooting fireworks at toddlers. Its a nightmare. Absolute scum around here and I’m fed up of pretending they aren’t.

    South Wales valleys incase anyone’s wondering.

  18. I’m a secondary school teacher. I’m verbally abused by children every hour of every day. Where are these angels you speak of because they’re not in *insert area of work here*

  19. You are either high AF whilst you go about your business or you live in a middle class rural area, those are the only two legitimate explanations.

  20. I think teenager’s have never been as bad as each generation makes out yes every generation has the goby shits but they are the loudest and people assume all teens are like that I don’t think that’s the case.

  21. I’m kind of a big guy with big beard and I would have been terrified of someone like me when I was 14, now I’m terrified of the 14 year olds round my neck of the woods, feral little shits with no fear.

  22. That’s weird – a teenager in a shop yesterday said hi to me and told me to have a good day. Am now suspicious that this is a tik tok trend

  23. My son is 16. Doesn’t drink, doesn’t smoke, doesn’t do drugs. He has zero interest in pubs or clubs. This weekend he’s going to the outdoor Christmas markets with his friends.

    When I was 16, I was using my older sister’s ID (without her knowledge) to get into clubs. I was drinking and smoking at 14 and so were most of my friends. I gave up smoking when I became pregnant with my son and I haven’t drank alcohol in many years.

    My son and his friends seem a lot more focused than my generation. They seem to be kinder and more tolerant of differences, whereas if you were different in any way back in my teenage years, you got a lot of stick for it.

    They seem to be interested in experiences, like travelling, rather than getting wasted every weekend.

  24. Yeah, the grandkid’s friends are incredibly caring about each other – worrying about each other’s mental health, explaing that X has anxiety so you have to be careful not to worry him. They still get incredibly sick on a bottle of passed around wine, and raided the kitchen the other week and nicked (and drank) an entire bottle of sherry, just like normal teenagers, but they really do seem far nicer than their parents were at that age.

    And yet they are all worried that they might get stabbed someday by the black hoodie, nike wearing mob who all carry knives and post threat video’s on tik-toc. To the point that they constantly need driving places because they can’t walk through certain areas safely.

    It’s a weird dichotomy

  25. Sounds like this post was written by 3 kids in an overcoat. You ain’t fooling anyone you scoundrels.

  26. Kids here buy eggs to attack houses and cars, terrify old folk regularly, destroy people’s property and care not one fig. there’s no police presence and unfortunately the good kids get tarred with this because it’s so out of hand.

    When I was a teenager we drank, smoked and whatever but we never hurt anyone’s property. We used to find a quiet spot in the woods or someone had an empty

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