So, when my and my bf have sex, in certain positions I feel like I need to pee. I’m terrified so I stop mid act and rush to the bathroom, sometimes I do but most of the time nothing happens.

Neither of us have a pee fetish so this would probably be a turn off for us both, what’s the difference between squirting and peeing…. How do I know what’s going to happen?

I feel the best in the position where I feel like I’m going to pee though, my bf wants to continue because he thinks I can maybe orgasm from just PIV, since I haven’t been able to thus far, but this is still worrisome to me nonetheless.


  1. There’s a lot of debate around “is squirting just pee?” and if you really feel like going down a rabbit hole, you can google it.

    If it sounds like something both of you might want to experience then lay down some towels and when you feel the urge, *just let go and see what happens*. Women describe the *experience* of squirting as feeling different from urinating so regardless what the composition of the fluid is, it’s likely going to feel different (assuming anything happens).

    One thing to keep in mind: squirting can happen with orgasm but it also may not. In other words, just because you squirt doesn’t mean you’re having an orgasm.

  2. Search for squirting on WebMD and YouTube. On YT, I would listen to the female urologists on the subject along with Caitlin V.

  3. maybe its pee, maybe it isnt. So what though? put a puppy pad down and get rekt. Or clutch your pearls,whatever makes you happier. For me, its orgasms, and an easy choice.

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