I don’t know if it’s normal but I’ve been seeing someone for 3 weeks now and we’ve been on 4 dates. She was constantly texting me at the start but it’s slowly getting worse and worse.

The dates were good and she’s told me multiple times that she’s enjoyed being with me so far and wants to go on more, but lately she’ll send me a snap and then I’ll reply with another one shortly after and she’ll leave it on delivered for a day. Is this normal? She can be busy I know and so am I, but I can normally find time to reply to most texts within an hour at most.

Is this normal? Am I overthinking this? idk, I need advice cause for some reason this is messing with me way more than it should.

  1. You’re over thinking this.

    Ppl on here screw this up way too much. It’s normal for the texting to run out of “steam” as you start to get to know each other. Now could it be she’s slow fading? Sure. However what you don’t wanna do is start freaking out over it and remove any doubt she is. Match the energy. And I don’t mean she takes x amount of time to text back so you take x amount. I mean match the effort she’s giving into the texting.

  2. Why are you using snap to communicate? This must be a teen thing but set the date then drop off until the day before to check in on her. It’s not that deep better yet ask her what her communication style is I normally ask this that way we’re clear on this. You’re stressing about something not that important so I’d say overthinking don’t address this either it’s about to come off as needy.

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