so this week as been a draining my mom joined a religion in october my aunt had been in for a while (jewish messianic) and at first i told her i dont want to join it and she said she understood and today(12-1-22) she told to call off friday and saturday to join them out the blue while at work and i (f17) got really annoyed because it’s common sense that no job allows that and then yelled at me saying she runs the house and that i should listen to her so after work i sat and talked to her about saying im sorry i cant join you guys but i have a job i still have to go to and she said okay, i later explained i can go with them sometime but that i have wrestling tournaments and she responded with “idc you have to come with me because i dont want you to be alone” i responded with “ i can stay with my grandma” she said no and blah blah no solution worked i had to go and then i said i cant commit to it and cant go all the time and she said “your going with me everytime i go because i tell you so.” and the conversation ended there i called my aunt and she seems really concerned as to why shes being so intense about me having to go and she’s going to talk to my mom

-if you guys any advice on how else i should handle this pls lmk

tl/dr my mom is forcing to join a religion and my lifestyle doesnt allow me to commit to it and it’s creating conflict

1 comment
  1. > i called my aunt and she seems really concerned as to why shes being so intense about me having to go and she’s going to talk to my mom

    Maybe that’ll solve it.

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