My husband (23M) and myself (23F) have been together for what feels like forever. He was my first and is my only. Recently things have been increasingly lubricated down there and I can be a heavy squirter but it’s really embarrassing. He says it’s okay, and I trust him but I always feel bad when we have to strip the bed, change the sheets, and clean up. Sometimes because of the extra lubrication I have a hard time finishing…is this normal? Does anyone else have this problem? There’s all these studies about how it’s not ejaculate it’s urine, but I always pee right before. I just sort of feel gross and alone so if someone else has this issue please tell me 😂

  1. I actually think it’s hot … also you can use some stuff to prevent the mess.. lastly I think you having trouble cumming cause you iver thinning things. Just relax have fun and enjoy the moment . Lucky husband

  2. to add to the first comment, there is no normal. every one is different. if he says he is okay, then he is okay. stop overthinking this one. the hard time finishing is a thing for women too. same for guys. eevery one is different. if its that much its affecting you, use a towel to dry both of you off some before piv, and use it again to absorb some fluids during. its not a big deal unless you make it a big deal in your head

  3. Get a waterproof mattress protector and some pee pads (I like reusable ones!), then you don’t have to change the sheets and worry about getting the bed wet.

    If you need a bit more friction, you could keep a hand towel handy to wipe things up a bit

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