We were together for a year prior to moving in together. We’ve known each other for 8 years now. We moved in together in November. She changed her behaviour a LOT after we signed the lease. Suddenly she wasn’t sure if the relationship was good and that everything I did was wrong. She said it was because I wasn’t giving her enough attention.

Then after 4 months of living together, she dumped me saying I was just not enough for her. The next day she apologized and asked if we could try and that she will work to make it work, I accepted on the condition we go to therapy. 2 weeks later I come home after work and she tells me she’s lesbian.

At first I thought we could live in the same apartment and could come up with a way to split the bills equally (I paid everything except groceries). I hoped we could live together as friends because I was ok with that. I helped her when she did her coming out and her family basically told her that she wasn’t lesbian but just lost.

It has been a month and a half since we ended things. I feel trapped, she started dating this girl and she didn’t realise, but she told me the date they started dating and it is 1.5 months before our breakup. She still doesn’t pay more than groceries. She talks to me only when she needs something from me. I asked the landlord if we could shorten the lease, but she doesn’t want to. The lease ends in May 2023. I learned that she went in my room and read my diary and got mad that I wasn’t happy living with her right now.

I asked around and where I live I can’t do anything about the lease. I feel trapped and I don’t feel like I have any personnal space. She still expect me to listen to her problems and help her whenever she has a problem.

Sorry English isn’t my first language.

I don’t know what to do

  1. Kick her out and buy your own groceries. Oh, and from here on out don’t ever date a dependent. Aim for a contributing partner.

  2. Stop paying for her shit. If she wants to continue living there, she needs to start paying half of everything.

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