What’s your story of the time when people close to you, broke your trust?

  1. Getting assaulted by my middle brother several times when I was the most emotionally vulnerable would do that.

  2. When I turned on the kitchen lights and saw my father eating the last piece of my birthday cake.

  3. When my friend voted for biden.

    Serious answer would be when my step dad cheated on my mom, I wanted to skin him alive. She told me no though. Now he’s stuck with a kid with the girl he cheated with and my mom is back with my biological dad after being divorced for around a decade. So guess it worked out.

  4. Me and my former friend promised ourselves we would invite each other to our respective weddings. My friend got married and found out he invited a lot of other friends we had in common, he never told me a single word of it.

  5. When I stayed by her after she was diagnosed with ovarian cancer just for her to cheat on me with a coworker. Edit: I dodged a bullet though, she’s freaking weird now

  6. didn’t realise i was involved with a genuine stalker who hacked into my email and hired a private investigator to find me.

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