What are you holding onto that’s holding you back?

  1. It’s not me, but gravity won’t fuckin leave me alone long enough to fly tf away from this planet

  2. The Past , Self Doubt, Self Loathing , Reddit , Twitter , Marlboro , Excess Weight !

  3. I’m 42 and still feel like a poser at everything I do – it is border line debilitating

    Work – I feel that my successes are fake and given to me for pity and tenure been in the same building for 20 years, I’m a manager now but feel like it can all be taken away at any moment

    Motorcycles – I am not biker enough for bikers so I have always ridden alone

    Music – grew up playing in punk rock and hardcore bands but never felt I fit in even with the outcasts

    Friends – I don’t have a lot, I used to but I let them all drift away because I always felt I wasn’t good enough for them

    Wife – of 19 years, I know she loves me but I sometimes feel she stays because her job doesn’t pay enough to live alone. I really hate myself for thinking this, she is my everything


    there is so much I want to do but I never get real enjoyment from the activities because I always feel like I have to put on a performance. don’t get me wrong I have had fun in my live but always looking back my insecurities rob me of those positive memories, sorry this kind just vomited out, thanks!

  4. Anxiety and self hatred. They’re really stopping me from meeting a lot of goals I have like getting a full time job and making friends.

  5. I kinda feel like all my friends except one are fake, all the others laugh when I make jokes and act like real friends, but the never reach out to me outside of school. Unless I was a reciever of a send all, I don’t get contacted

  6. Is this a riddle?


    I guess if I were stuck 20 feet in the air on a ladder I wouldn’t really loosen the grip and it would hold me back.. IT BETTER DOES!

  7. I want to confess my friend I have feelings for her(past 2 yrs). Friendship is really holding me tbh

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