What’s your wildest customer service story?

  1. I worked in a bank call center and towards the end I had just about had it with Karens. I was on a typical call about fees where the customer tries to blame everyone but themselves for the fact that their account is overdrawn.

    Lady has about $4 in her account and is raving about how she’s going to call the ceo and take her business somewhere else and I’m just like where are you going to take it? The dollar menu?

    She got real quiet and then hung up. Then for about a week I kept waiting for the tap on my shoulder to get walked out but it never came. Eventually I switched departments and built a career in banking.

  2. Customer demanded to return a push mower saying the blades where all bent and damaged. She then says she got it stuck on her well cap pipe (6 inch round metal pipe). Claimed it wasn’t her fault that the machine couldn’t handle it. Got the manager to deal with that bullshit but still had to listen to a 20 minute argument between them. She got her way in the end. I was blown away at that.

  3. I had picked up a passenger one day probably around 2:00 in the afternoon… just like any other normal day… And the lady that got in was clearly intoxicated. She then proceeded to tell me something innocuous like why she couldn’t drive or something and I was hardly paying attention, but then…

    She started telling this crazy story about somebody being in a cartel and it used to be her ex-husband and then she divorced him and she remarried and then her and the person that she remarried killed her ex-husband…

    And any rational persons inclination is going to be like she’s drunk or exaggerating or just crazy, ya’ know? But au contraire.

    She then proceeds to show me how she just got out of prison that morning with some papers in her bag, and then she was pulling up news articles about the whole situation with her in them, and then she was talking about somebody trying to give her a book deal for it and she pulls that shit up too.

    So at this point I’m like I need to get this crazy woman out of my car. And it didn’t end there

    She then told me that her ex who she kills her ex ex with didn’t end up going to jail because he never got caught but now she thinks he’s coming after her because she pled guilty and it’s one of those retribution kind of situations.

    And so we’re like 10 feet in front of her house and I finally get to pull over and I’m like thank God and you know what she ends the conversation with?

    I’ll probably be safe though. They never did find my husband’s body so he can still have a chance at getting off.

    Then she shuts the door and went on her way like that was just a normal conversation to have with people.

    Definitely not just another day like every other day 😂

  4. Amazon’s AI for the customer service line kept spinning me in a loop and asking the same questions all over again. “jesus christ. I really hope this is being recorded. This is why I’m not afraid of Skynet. AI are dumb as fuck!”

  5. Worked in tourism over the pandemic and got assaulted twice by anti maskers, it’s really changed how I view people on the other side of the political aisle. Got yelled at, screamed at, saw a coworker get karate chopped to the throat and called racial slurs, watched a grown man have a meltdown and nearly piss himself with rage… all over our incredibly popular tourist hot spot. I’ve got a story for practically every day I worked there.

    Loved the people I worked with but Jesus Christ that last day when I turned in my badge I just felt a great sense of relieve pour over me.

  6. I work at a call Center for tech support

    For me the wildest is when schizophrenics call in during an manic episode. Every advisor whose worked for a few months has probably ran into one, it’s kind of heartbreaking, you can’t just hang up so it just becomes a way of trying to get them off the line.

    Right now my job is to listen/review calls and I just had listened to one recently. Customer starts talking about how his accounts were compromised by his ex, eventually he starts rambling about how she tried to kill him and law enforcement won’t do anything, then he rambled on about his ex cheating on him with a secret agent, and he installed a virus on his phone (he mentioned like a 10 year old defunct one)

    Then he started to go off about how no one wants to help him because they are targeting him, how he won’t do any troubleshooting because he wants the proof on his device (essentially deadlocking the advisor) and he goes on about how he will sue all government agencies even if it makes him homeless

  7. Went to repair a storm window at a lady’s house , had to take it apart from inside , she hollers “come on in ” when I knock….she meets me in the foyer with the shortest , thinnest , night gown on….with the fuzz around the bottom…😳
    I stumble over my words asking which window is broken….trying not to ogle the obvious..! She’s nice looking , older than me , nice bod….ANYWAYZ…I follow her to a kitchen window (THEN I CAN OGLE FROM BEHIND)…noooooo panties on…well , I’m trying to be professional , she sits down at a bar while I take the window apart….full view of bush (back then) 🤣🤣 I take the window apart , take it to my truck , fix the glass , bring it back in , she’s still sitting at the bar MAKING SMALL TALK with me…..I put the window back together , hand her the bill….she bends over to get her check book out of her purse….ASS FOR DAYS , and the low hanging fuzzy also…..she writes me a check and I bail out of there….I was 22 and scared as hell……if I’d been 32 , things might have ended differently….!🤣🤣🤣🤣

  8. I got a customer service person just yelling at me because I call at 11am,where she said its nearly lunch time(12pm) and you all customer love picking this goddamn time to call. And she just AAAAHHHHHHHH… And hang up. I’m like wtf.. This happen when I call the service provider regarding my router. 😂

  9. A guy pulled in our shop with a bulletproof vest on and a m4 in a car riddled with bullets wanting us to replace the broken glass.

  10. I used to deliver anesthesia but I’m retired now. I had a patient who was having surgery on his foot and he opted for a spinal anesthetic with some sedation to keep him comfortable. (some people might need a little more explanation to understand what that means. he got the shot in his back so that his legs were numb and they could operate and he wouldn’t feel anything, but he would be wide awake, so on top of that I gave him medication through his IV to keep him sedated.) Most patients get sleepy from the sedation and just take a nap throughout the surgery, but this guy got a bit revved up and started talking. Talking about Janet, and how they met, and where they would meet, and the trips he would take and she would meet him there… As I was wheeling him on the stretcher into the Recovery Room he looked at me with an anxious expression and asked, “Did I say anything in there about Janet?” I said, “Who? Janet? No, you didn’t talk about anyone named Janet.” I took a quick look at his chart and found that his wife’s name was MaryAnn.

  11. Two female friends making me give my opinions as to which one was hotter, before inviting me to have a threesome after work.

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