What are some healthy ways to manage or control your anger?

  1. Going swimming has been helpful for me. Gets me in tune with my breathing and gets all that energy out.

  2. I have to rationalize it and tell myself that it’s a waste of energy that will drain me.

  3. Some healthy ways to manage or control your anger are to try and understand what is causing your anger, take some time to calm down before responding to the situation, and to express your anger in a constructive way.

  4. I rarely get angry. I get annoyed but angry? Eh I’m kinda unbothered most of the time almost to a fault. And if I’m angry I just kinda step away and avoid the situation until I’m calm again. Then I address it. I’m solution driven.

    I say step away and consider why you’re angry. Then try to see how you can solve it. Admit if you had a part in it first and foremost. Avoid “you” statements when talking about it. Talk about how it made you feel. Then listen. Then find a solution like I said. Don’t talk in circles.

    I find being angry usually isn’t worth it. Life is short.

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