I (32F) started dating a boy (32M), total time=3.5 months, he was crazy about starting a serious rel with me. 4 years ago (we had a fling before) we just got to date for a couple weeks and now we were looking for a rel.
I was a bit “disillusioned” with love because of my experiences and he knew it so the first month I was a bit distant but not too much, in fact I tried to change it after he complained.
I just needed time to trust but he eventually became disillusioned after just 1 month with our relationship and confessed he didn’t feel like meeting as much as before etc and we had also fought because he wanted to keep hanging out with an old fwb “as friends”. I didn’t forbid it but I was upset.

I took the step of breaking up because I can’t stand someone telling me they don’t feel like seeing me as before.
I feel bad because I don’t understand anything. What happened?

Tl;dr: we broke up because he lost interest in our rel because I was not into the rel the first month.

1 comment
  1. What happened is the relationship never clicked well. Neither of you ever got fully into it, but you did have some conflicts. There was no strong connection here and no reason to try to work through the problems.

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