What is a realistic and practical way to actually make the world a better place?

  1. Treat others how you want to be treated. This seems like a good start. Sadly, 99% of the world are programmed to be reactive.

  2. Treat other people well, volunteer in your community, provide assistance to those who need it, and advocate for things that make people’s lives easier/better.

  3. By not being a gatekeeping and/or holier than thou prick in the communities for your hobbies and interests. Not everyone is in a great position socially and it would help to make sure they feel welcome.

  4. I volunteer for community projects at my church. They do oil changes for people, help people do their laundry at the Laundromats around town, help with construction/renovations/projects at schools, do a gas giveaway, visit senior centers and disadvantaged neighborhoods to encourage and love on people. It’s pretty great, you can do as much or as little as you are comfortable with. No obligation, you just let them know where you’d like to help, or they can just assign you a random group if you don’t mind where you end up.

  5. I learned a lot about human behaviour from Dale Carnegie’s book ‘how to win friends and influence people’. the one thing I noticed is that people want recognition and praise but it has to be genuine. A Nice compliment or gesture can really turn around anyone’s day and it costs you nothing. A lot of people are stressed or on edge and sometimes all it takes is sympathy or compassion to brighten a person’s day. I think little things like that can change the whole world over time

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  7. Be kind to one another. However, kindness isn’t about just being nice. It is about doing things for others that aren’t expected of you. It’s essentially thinking about others other than yourself.

  8. Do the right thing always and never stop trying to grow as a person. Also, treat people with kindness.

  9. Stop inconveniencing others out of spite. Dunno why people do it but it annoys me how common it is

  10. Help people closest to you, if possible create a comunity were everyone helps each other. If this grows eventually the world will become better, at least your small part of the world.

  11. Volunteer! Working with kids in a broken home is a great thing and there are many other opportunities.

  12. Do the right thing, even when nobody will know about it. *Especially* when nobody will know about it.

  13. Take a deep breathe before reacting to anything. Ask yourself what the best outcome for everyone is and how to get that.

    Then, and only then, speak.

  14. Be a leader who instills in others a noble cause and the motivation to see it through.

    Provide an example of proper bearing others can learn from.

    Don’t let ignorance go unchallenged, and above all else don’t tolerate lesser influences steering you from your cause and bearing.

  15. Continuous and ongoing self reflection and personal betterment. You can always improve by trying to be better than you were yesterday every day. Doesn’t have to be exponential but it does require consistency

  16. Holding companies accountable for the planet’s health, which is steadily getting worse. Your carbon footprint is never going to compare to an actual business/industry, the fault is entirely on them damaging the world in turn for profit. We only have one chance at this, there is no going to Mars and populating, there is only a world of endless conflict once that threshold is reached. There is no humanity if there is no stable earth for us to live on, that just ensues chaos. Countries being stripped of resources when they barely have any themselves.. Time and time again for decades we’ve been told of the damage and sever risks and yet we individually just chalk it up and let companies run wild, now we will start to reap what we’ve sewn.

  17. Historically, taking back means of production during the late stage capitalist phase of a major empire. Alternatively, redistribution of wealth back to the masses if there’s too much centralization (imo there is).

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