Hi so who I thought was my best friend since middle school cut me off recently like blocked me on everything from Facebook to our favorite video games etc like zero contact. I started noticing it back in September when I called him and asked if he’d be my best man and he said of course so I was of course happy. Well a few months later he got engaged and a I found out on Facebook didn’t bother to tell me which I could let slide I guess. Well then I started talking to him about his wedding plans and he said he didn’t know if he’d have his cuz of covid and such which got me thinking is he gonna go to mine still so I asked and he said I’m not sure. Long story short he bailed on me and had to find someone new cuz of covid and he said he has to check his work schedule. About another month goes by and out of the blue I get a message saying it’s not goodbye forever just goodbye for now and blocks me on literally everything.

My question is why do people do things like that I am completely clueless I knew we were growing apart but I figured we could stay somewhat of friends.

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