And my wife won’t file for child support for her two kids or try to her SSI. She leaves it all on me and treats me like garbage. I want to get my kid away from her as much as possible. I don’t want her growing up in poverty It’d be different if I was respected or loved in this house but I feel used and I’m at the end. How do o escape this without destroying everything? I don’t think I can do it.

  1. Tell her she needs to exercise her financial rights to child support and disability support or you are divorcing her.

    Don’t argue. If she cries, screams, whatever, walk away, text her everything that concerns you about the marriage (don’t get emotional just be very plain about it because it will be good for court) and ask again that she financially contribute.

    If she doesn’t, proceed with divorce asap

  2. Okay, she clearly doesn’t care about you. There is no saving this relationship. And you shouldn’t try.

    I’d suggest looking into your legal options before letting her know your plans to leave though. I don’t think many people in this subreddit can help you with advice on your options, I’d suggest posting under the subreddit LegalAdvice for people who can help you figure out the best route, or just meeting with a lawyer ASAP.

  3. You could move out with your son and file for divorce. Wife needs a dose of reality. She needs to file for disability and she needs to make an effort to get child support. She may need to reach out to her family of origin. They may all be broken apart and end up in foster care, but this was more than you bargained for.

    Possibly just moving out – say for a month – will be enough of a dose of reality to get her to value you a whole lot more. See about one of those hotels with monthly rates.

    Good luck. Let us know how it goes.

  4. You can’t set yourself (and your son) on fire to keep someone else warm. Your wife won’t help herself by filing for child support and SSI. You cannot stay in this situation.

  5. Bro that seems like me and you share the same story like literally it seems like that walked into another dimension and see myself in the same situation as you so just recently I went to the same exact situation and scenario as you and I’m still going through it you know going to the holy divorce kind of ruined everything for me everything I built up career-wise and everything like that all with the shit you know credit went to shit house is cars everything done you know kids are with the mom too just like in your situation trying to get the kids away from the mother yeah bro I feel you in that I really do you need someone to talk to you let me know I don’t know if I could be anyhow but at least you know there’s somebody going to the same situation as you that helps a little holler back

  6. If treating you like garbage means you and your kid are better off without her daily then you might have to destroy every thing.

    An option could be that you tell her she has two options – sign the child support and disability paperwork you put in front of her or the divorce papers. It’s possible her disability is impacting her enough that she can’t actively pursue the legal aspect, but will sign off on it. Not the best to put that on you, but if she’ll agree to it the money at least would help,you out.

  7. Just disappear in the night with you kid. I doubt she’ll try to track you down go to a different state and start a new.

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