How you deal with so many creeps in your dm everyday?

  1. I get some occasionally on Twitter and I just ignore them. They have a great filter though. Not sure about other social media

  2. I ignore them, even if its people i know, work,school etc. Just ignore and pretend ure too busy to look at ur social media

  3. Fuck with them a bit just for fun and then block when I get bored. It doesn’t bother me, I just enjoy winding them up – which is deeply immature I realise but if you will message a stranger on the internet about your penis you sort of deserve it.

  4. Depends on my mood.

    Mostly I ignore them. Other times I just have my fun with them and waste their time, till they give up.

  5. Ignoring/blocking or if I know they didn’t mean anything bad and just thought I was their age I tell them and they stop

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