Men of reddit, what goes well with beer?

  1. Bar food. Peanuts, pretzels, and all the food listed below. I found that Newcastle Brown Ale goes good with any food.

  2. If this is a legitimate question about food pairing, it really depends on the beer. Guinness pairs with other things than a Pilsner or Ale as the taste is vastly different. You can find info online, sometimes on the brewery’s website (even with recipes if you’re lucky).

    Did you know you can make Gulasch with beer instead of wine?

  3. Depends on the beer…

    A cherry kriek works well with cocolate for example.

    A nice cold lager is nice with salted peanuts or chips for example.

    I find many pickles works nice with many lagers, pale ales and IPAs. Especially hot and sour pickled baby carrots.

    And many beers pairs very well with many cheeses.

    Try a nice porter with a aged cheese with a sharp taste. Or something sweeter, like a DIPA with a blue cheese.

    Or just have another beer with a friend. 😀

    There are many beers and they pair well with many different things!

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