So I have been in a long distance relationship and have to travel to meet him, but every time we fuck, he can’t last for at least five minutes. Could it be that he is cheating or just has some medical condition and how do I help this?

  1. Most men aren’t porn stars that can pump constantly for hours. His stamina can be that way for a lot of reasons. I’d put money on the fact that he’s just not having sex very often (LDR) and he’s just REALLY excited to have you in his arms.

  2. Him not being able to last has absolutely zero to do with cheating, in fact it likely lends itself to the opposite, and that he doesn’t even self-stimulate besides when he’s with you. It isn’t a condition, some guys just finish fast, especially if they aren’t experienced in having to control it. If you’re worried about it, maybe a couple days before you know you guys are going to have sex, have a virtual phone session to get some of it out before you meet because if he isn’t quite as “charged up”, sex should last longer

  3. This is common – it’s not quite premature ejaculation but getting along that way.

    I suggest giving him a hand or a blow job at the start of a sex session which will take the edge off. He can then please you orally while he recovers his erection. And then, with luck, you can have penetrative sex which is satisfying for both of you.

    And by the way I would take this s a complement as it indicates that you really turn him on – just a bit too much.

  4. He must be so into you he can’t control it. Suggest he masturbate earlier in the day to help him last longer.

  5. I would say,

    1. introduce him to foreplay, break up his sex patterns when he feels the need to finished. (teach him how to control the urge to release)

    2. Tell him or “help him” finish before sex. Most men last a while longer the 2nd time around

    And finally, his anxiety could be through the roof. While thinking how not to disappoint after you flew in. Help calm and reassure his mind
    (the mental game is very important)

    Overall, there’s not a out right way to make someone who last 5m improve into something like an hour.

    Sure theres stamina training, basically get more healthier overall. Yet it’s not a guaranteed boost.

    But hope everything works out!

  6. Cheating is completely irrelevant. PE can sometimes be caused by psych meds like antidepressants (even though they often also do the opposite and make it hard to finish at all) or it might just be nerves or the fact he’s extremely into you and pent up. Pelvic floor exercises (kegels and reverse kegels) are a potential long term solution but he might be able to overcome this without those

  7. My ex ( long distance ) used to be the same tbh , he got so excited he couldn’t control it, try some forplay and make him cum before starting again , very frustrating though as I remember bt take it as a compliment and suggest he has a wa*k before you arrive !

  8. Does he make it a point to focus on you and your needs? Does he engage in foreplay and try to get you off? If yes, then who cares if be last 5 minutes or 30 minutes.

  9. I’ve been the guy who couldn’t last for five minutes, and it was mainly because I was so damn hungry for her that I couldn’t contain myself. Getting older and focusing on her pleasure first helped considerably.

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