TL;DR; My GF has more time with other people and it’s my fault.

So I (25M) and my partner (25f) is experiencing roadblocks for almost half a year now. There were arguments almost every week, mostly out of small things and it will always lead to her wanting to leave me, or left me already. I always pull her back because that’s what I want and what she wants me to do. She is know for someone who gives up easily in a relationship because of her broken family issues. It’s somehow taking a toll on me at this point.

Recently, we just got over a 2-week off from each other because of what I did to her. I mistreated her in front of my friends because we argue about how she behaves with her gay friend and made me less important with our date (me, her, and gay friend) that day. She was more touchy to him than to me, she speaks about him more than me. I was guilty about what I did up to now. I didn’t know I was capable in talking to her badly that way. She forgave me and I forgave her.

Just tonight, I opened up about what I feel about our relationship lately. I am an introvert person, she is outgoing. I told her that I no longer feel valued as her partner because she has more time with her friends. I fear that with what happened to us 2 weeks ago, she sees me differently now and she is in a place where I don’t exist the way I used to. The girlfriend that was looking forward to weekends watching films virtually together was gone. Before she was always telling me that she prefers staying at home doing things with me than going out with friends. That is not the case anymore. She is telling me that he is getting back her old rhythm which is to always go out with people.

This weekend, she will go out with her friends again. I can’t come to her as often as I want to because of my current financial status, also we have issues with my parents because they are restrictive but that is getting better (I have traveled with her and her friends for 5 days, I can go overnight with her family) which were not okay with my parents before. My only concern in this is that I want for us to have one weekend just the two of us, even if it means just staying at each other’s home, hers or mine. I’d like to see her want that setup too because of the type of person that I am.

Her response was she is going out with her friends because I can’t be with her. She is making plans with other people because I am not able to make plans with her. She is available to other people because I am not available. She is considering leaving me again, for the nth time, telling me that it’s all my fault.

I understand my current situation, I understand hers. I’m just having a hard time accepting that she is not what I knew her to be. Her going out with different groups of people every week without me is a hard pill for me to swallow.

I am constantly looking for a job now to be able to catch up to her, to be able to go out with her and her friends, I am saving up for a motorcycle to be able to pick her up and drive her home whenever there are events. So I can be present all the time for her.

How do I approach this situation? I became an anxious person because of other things that happened to us, especially the part that the security of our commitment is always hanging by a thread. I really need people who will tell me the right thing to do.

  1. Dude, she ~keeps~ breaking up with you and you don’t like the way she treats you. Of course it feels bad to have to keep begging/fighting for a relationship. Go find someone who wants to be with you.

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